April 2009




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Jan. 18th, 2009


Who: Rafe Loyola and Katrina Beaumonte-Richardson
Where: Hotel Loyola
When: Late Afternoon
Rating: PG-13 to R
Summary: Ms. Beaumonte had expressed an interest in him, and he was obliging.

Predator and Predator. )


Who: Kayla Hart and Adam Darson
Where: Adam's room at the dorms
When: December 14, the day before the first round of matches. I know, I know.
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary: Adam and Kayla hang out in his room, watch a bad movie, and talk about serious stuff.
Status: Complete!

Morning, sunshine. You seem to be in a lovely mood today. )

Jan. 8th, 2009


Who: Eleanore Bardou & Katrina Beaumonte
When: Around 6:30pm, January 7th, 2049.
Where: The spa in The Canopy apartment complex
Rating: PG to PG-13 I guess?
Summary: A bit of relaxation, because pretty people should never have to be stressed.

A little pampering solves all problems )

Dec. 31st, 2008


Who: Katrina Beaumonte, Kai Keahi
When: Dec 31, probably some time in the early evening.
Where: The Iwa-lani, in port at Dock 223
Rating: PG-13, as swearing is likely.
Summary: She's got some papers, and they're gonna get signed. ...Or else.

You should know that you're no good for me. )


Who: Adam Darson, Krysanthe Danielson
When: Dec 31, sometime in the afternoon
Where: Crevasse Coffee House!
Rating: PG. 99% sure. Cause, Krysanthe + Adam = Fluffy Bunnies.
Summary: The meeting. Hopefully a good one!

Read More... )

Dec. 28th, 2008


Who; Regan Donovan and Open.
When; Monday, December 29. Around noon.
Where; The Innovo Museum, the top floor.
Rating; TBA. Likely around the PG-13 range because...Regan <<;.
Summary; Regan spends her lunch break brushing up on her history in the Art District.

am i not the loving kind? )

Dec. 17th, 2008


Who; Katrina and Abigail
When; Today, just after lunch.
Where; Downtown Innovo
Summary; Abigail needs a new dress for the Loyola preview
Rating/Warnings; PG to be safe

Dec. 8th, 2008


Who; Key Issacs & Open.
When; Monday, December 8th. 7:00pm.
Where; Loralie's Pub.
Summary; Key's tending bar as is usual for a weekday.
Rating/Warnings; Key is rather unpredictable so...well we'll have to see.