Sep. 1st, 2009


[Metal Gear Solid] Ienai (Otacon & Snake, worksafe)

Title: Ienai
Author: joudama
Fandom: Metal Gear Solid
Rating: PG
Word count: 900-ish
Summary: For you, some things cannot be spoken; cannot be healed.
Song Prompt: Birdcage - Gackt
A/N: The title, "Ienai," is Japanese, and I picked it for three reasons:

1. Otacon (Hal Emmerich) is a giant anime otaku; you know that man knows Japanese.
2. The line in "Birdcage" I genked the title from is 「悲しみは癒えない」 [kanashimi wa ienai]--"my loneliness can't be healed."
3. In Japanese, the words for "can't be healed," 「癒えない」, and "can't be spoken," 「言えない」, are homonyms--the kanji are different, but they're pronounced the same: "ienai."

This takes place after MGS2 and assumes you know Otacon's terrible, awful backstory. ;_; If not, here, take a moment to watch this clip and feel your heart getting pulled out and stomped on. "E.E" is Emma Emmerich, Otacon's step-sister. Until the clip, he hadn't seen her since she was six. And that dumb bird was hers.

Codec from jou (freq. 198.42) [aka, extended author's notes on 'Ienai']

Ienai )

Jun. 30th, 2009


[Final Fantasy VII] Stranger in Midgar, Rufus Shinra, worksafe

Title: Stranger in Midgar
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII (between the end of the game and AC)
Character/Pairing: Rufus Shinra
Author: [info]stopthatgirl7
Rating: PG
Word Count: 986
A/N: I...had a rather hard time trying to figure out who to write this for, but when it came, oh boy, did it ever come. And this is technically early, but oh, well.
Music Prompt: Michael Jackson - Stranger in Moscow
Summary: Take my name but just let me be.

Stranger in Midgar )

Nov. 2nd, 2008


[Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core] "On the Road", Angeal/Genesis

I was going to wait until the day before the election to post this because I knew I'd need a distraction, but I know the day before the election I'm going to be twitching and gnawing at things and drinking. So I'm posting it now. ^^;;

Title: In This Together: On the Road
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: hints of m/m; pretty much pointless teenboy fluff
Word count: 3,270
Summary: It's not just me/We're a stubborn pair.
A/N: More teenage!Angeal and Gen. I had to do it; I wrote two fic with them as teenboys for [info]areyougame ("Make It Up" and "Something to Prove"), and I have this thing where I like the number three. So. >XD All three of them are standalone fics, but they just fit well together.
Song Prompt: Soler - 惹我 [Je Ngo - Provoke Me]/堅持 [Jian1 chi2 - Insistence] (both)

On the Road )

Oct. 1st, 2008


[Final Fantasy XII], "Not Your Average..." Balthier/Fran, worksafe

Because it's October where I am dammit, and I want to post this and then disavow it as soon as I can *dies*. I can't believe this. *dies more*

Title: Not Your Average...
Author: joudama
Fandom: FF12, pre-game
Characters: Balthier/Fran
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: kind of cracktastic. QUELLE SURPRISE. XD
Word count: 855
Song prompt: *buries face in hands* Wang Leehom - Not Your Average Thug. OH HAI THAR, IRONY.
Summary: This Sky Pirate cannot be contained by mere buttons.
A/N: This is what I get, man. I am more than mildly horrified that I've written this (Leehom makes me twitch, and this is the song I pull out to illustrate to people why Wang Leehom is a blight upon the earth and must be purged from it with fire. FIRE). That, and I'm laughing myself myself. Clearly, there is no god and I am beyond all hope. ...I can't believe I wrote a fic based on a Leehom song. I feel...dirty. Being serious, though, I had to stop myself from writing more, because a second scene hit me, and dude, that would have made this serious. XD;;; ...Leehom. WTF. There is no god.

Not Your Average... )

Apr. 3rd, 2008


[Final Fantasy VII], "Something Delicate," Cloud/Aerith, Zack/Aerith, worksafe

Title: Something Delicate
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Character/Pairing: Cloud/Aerith, Zack/Aerith
Rating: Worksafe.
Word Count: 1,117
Warnings and A/N: I took the "dream" part of this from the Zack/Aerith first date scene of Crisis Core. However, I played it in Japanese and the scene I found of it on youtube to refresh my memory was in Japanese, meaning the translations of what they're saying might not match the official English version exactly, since I did them myself on the fly.
Music: Straylight Run - Existentialism On Prom Night
Summary: A dream of something that both was and was not. And perhaps sadder because of it.


Have you ever met a SOLDIER? )

Feb. 4th, 2008


[Final Fantasy VII] Got No Plans to Die Tonight, Rude and Reno, worksafe (ish)

Title: Got No Plans To Die Tonight
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Character/Pairing: Reno/Rude
Rating: Worksafe...ish
Warnings: It's the Turks. Here there be blood and blows. And bad words.
Music: David Holmes - "Don't Die Just Yet."
Summary: Reno's got his hand on the controls and no plans to die.

Passin' out is lookin' like a better idea than it should. )

February 2011




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