January 10th, 2021

[info]itrainedthem in [info]fandom_psls

[info]fairehopemods! Ellen and Jo Harvelle to start! I would also like to see just more characters in general to join him at the Shelter he set up in the town!

[info]afoxbyanyother in [info]fandom_psls


Hello, all! I'll keep this sweet and simple. I recently got back into the Yu Yu Hakusho fandom and picked up Kurama here.

I'm looking to play with others from the series and am quite open to playing most things. Only warning is I do not ship with the female characters of the show due to bad experiences but have no issue just doing with them.

A few details about me...
- Over 18
- Tag usually at least once a day
- Flexible on play format
- Love plotting

So hit me up if you might be interested in playing with me!

[info]inoue in [info]fandom_psls

guess i'm about to start the nostalgia train here, but anyone still rp from bleach? would love to get some lines for orihime here. open to shipping or platonic situations! canon, cross-canon, and original characters loved!

i have some top picks when it comes to shipping, but i'm open to just about anything. my favorites for orihime are: ulquiorra cifer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, tatsuki arisawa, ichigo kurosaki, uryū ishida, and yasutora sado. also willing to write original characters from the universe if that's more your style.

if any of this interests you, feel free to hit me up here or on the dropbox in the journal!

[info]vyce in [info]fandom_psls

Greetings, everyone! Let me get right to the point: I'm very much craving a cheerful and lighthearted psl or two in the Pokemon fandom to decompress from the madness; some specific info and lines are viewable on this page.

My IJ has an About Me page (has my OOC info) and Contact Page, so hit me up there--or respond here directly--if this interests you! (Comments screened in either case!)

[info]mirrorvisitor in [info]fandom_psls

Likely a long shot, but I'm midway through the second book in the Mirror Visitor series. Would love a Thorn or Archibald to plot something with Ophelia. 🧤

[info]wandaful in [info]fandom_psls

with wandavision's premiere date around the corner, i would love to get a few psls going with wanda here. open to pretty much anyone when it comes to shipping, but i'm pretty desperate to play her against dr. strange, bucky, clint, and pietro. perfectly okay with gen stuff as well.

feel free to reply here or at the contact post on the journal.

May 2024



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