March 25th, 2020

[info]ragingvalor in [info]fandom_psls

Looking for someone willing to play against my Quentin/Mysterio but I want to make him real, if that makes sense. His powers are real not just illusions and drones, either he actually is some alien or has magic, or whatever, but I find the character power design fascinating and want to write my own story with him as the base. Open to OC/Canon/Crossovers against him. Slash/Het/Gen whatever.

I have ideas for whatever scenario he might be put in, but top ones are the one (normal person oc maybe?, hero, villain) that shelters him in the alien/superman kinda route probably more the pure hero, the magneto sort of route/once a good guy turned bad guy with certain motives, or even taking it a darker spin and letting him be obsessive and deciding that normal humans are below him and that he can be the new order the country or world needs. Looking to expand and worldbuild.

[info]trashmouthloser in [info]fandom_psls

The world got crazy and leaving the house is a very bad option these days. :( How about a distraction from reality about it? I know I suddenly have too much time on my hands.

[info]goagain is a brand spanking new AU pan-fandom in need of all the folks. Gimme some Losers. Also Witcher characters? I don't actually go there, I just like them and want to see them do things in a game.

[info]tinkgreen in [info]fandom_psls

Now that I have more time to dedicate to her again, I'd like a strapping lad to give Tink the romance she deserves and won't slip through her fingers. [info]boltonlake

My request ideas are here if interested.

I would also love some friendships for her as well. Oncers, maybe even crossing over to Rose's role as Liv from iZombie and have some of them for pals too.

April 2024



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