Elric Apartments [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Elric Apartments

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After speaking with Celena down at the sign, Shou takes her into a portal that just conveniently happens to open above the landlord's desk. She looks over at Celena, and smiles, making a gesture to allow her to do the honors of causing heart attacks.
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[Dec. 22nd, 2012|08:59 pm]

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[Current Mood |curious]

A question had started to present itself to Ed's mind that he finally got curious enough about the answer to to look for one. While he knew that his father would have the answer, he did remember that Envy needed to learn to deal with people better. And considering that the last time they really had any sort of conversation was the party at the beginning of the year, it was probably past time to reach out to him again.

Decision made, Ed ambled over to the second apartment building, checked to see what apartment Envy was actually in that was more specific than 'the third floor', and headed up.

When he reached the door, he paused a moment to brace himself for the probable inevitable cracks about his height, and knocked.

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unwanted messengers [Jan. 25th, 2012|11:34 pm]

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Edward tromps across the grounds, grumbling at how much snow has fallen. He'd heard that two of the elemental gods upstairs were messing around with the weather, and he was tempted to make them clean this shit up since it clearly worked too well.

He got into the second building and stomped his feet to get snow off his boots, then headed upstairs to Envy's apartment. He hesitated outside the door for a long moment, then knocked, one hand in his pocket on his cellphone.
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Excuses. [Jan. 10th, 2012|08:39 pm]
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[Current Mood |disappointed]

Envy had been thinking very hard about what the landlord had told him- he still thought of Ed as the landlord, and not a brother, it was very hard to think of him as family. Ed wasn't high on Envy's "consider as family" list.

He didn't like this "wait" business. He could be impatient when he wanted something. That was part of the jealousy that Dante had created in him. He knew somewhere he was still pretty far gone from Dante, but damnit, he was lonely, and he wanted his family back. And frankly, he still thought, screw Ed!

He had to make up some sort of an excuse to go see Hohenheim, and there were a few things he needed to talk out like the mature adult he was trying to be. He still felt sick looking at Hohenheim, but he would bring that up, too.

So he went outside. And marveled it was finally snowing. He shapeshifted a black jacket and skintight black pants on, before picking up some of the accumulation and watching it sit there in his hand. He put it down, and drew a small Xerxian alchemy circle in the snow. He couldn't do anything with it, and it would be covered up in a second, but it felt good.

Then with some dusting of snow on his head and shoulders he went to the first building and knocked on Hohenheim's door.
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