Eaten by Weasels' Buffyverse Slash

A Fanfiction Archive

Copyright and What-Have-You

The characters featured in these stories are the creation and intellectual property of Joss Whedon.

The storytelling belongs to me, Eaten by Weasels. Permission to re-post or otherwise reproduce my fanfiction without prior consent is expressly withheld.

Thank you.



22nd March 2008

Vested Interests. Giles/Wesley. 15

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Thermal Underwear Kink! Written for my RPS fandom but it works as a bit of daft Giles/Wesley, too. 100 words, rated PG to soft R.

Vested Interests )

Making Up. Angelus/Spike/Wesley. 15

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In celebration of [info]felisblanco's son's first steps, I give you...

Making Up. Poem, Spike/Angelus/Wesley, rated R )

Warts and All. Ethan/Andrew, Spike. 15

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My Ethan Ficathon Piece

[info]entrenous88 asked for fine scotch and a promise to cure a demon, set after “A New Man”. So, in a hopeless collision of timelines after that point, here’s free!Ethan, soulless!chipped!Spike, and hostage!Andrew, some liquid refreshment and a rather embarrassing affliction, in:

Warts and All, (1414 words, rated R) )

Notes for non-British readers:

*Delia Smith is a tv cook and cookery writer of rather wholesome character.
*Clan Dew is a wine/whisky blended drink. No posh bloke worth his salt would be caught dead drinking it. Spike, on the other hand....

For Hands that do Dishes. Ethan. 15

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Written at Horbling whilst rather tipsy and pressed thigh to warm thigh with [info]vampirefever. Our given cue: “He pulled off his rubber gloves....”

Hands that do Dishes )

Obviously, I hadn't drunk anywhere near enough.......

Handrew. Andrew/Spike. 15

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Remember when in Angel S5, the nutty slayer chopped off Spike's hands? Well....

Handrew )

Lost. Spike/Giles/Andrew. 15

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300 words for [info]slashthedrabble‘s “Lost” challenge, and as a birthday snog for [info]rakshathewolf who wanted some more Daddy!whore!kink, with spanking. Andrew’s lost his library book. Oh, dear……

Lost )

Petting Night. Xander/Angelus, 15

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For [info]gingerpig

Petting Night )

Ali's Sonnet to Andrew - and Andrew's Reply. 15

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You see, Ali ([info]vampirefever) is really rather a shy little soul, especially when it comes to those delicate matters of the heart. No surprise, then, that she kept this romantic little secret hidden. I found this lovely sonnet on her desk, and I’m sure she’ll be ever so relieved to have this out in the open at last…..

Ali’s Sonnet to Andrew )

Aw! Bless her!

EDIT: He wrote back!! Told you Andrew was a sweetie!

Andrew’s Sonnet to Ali )

To Serve Man. Spike/Wesley/Angel. 15

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Another silly poem

To Serve Man )

Nightlife. Spike/Xander. 15

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Written for [info]slashthedrabble's "Sound" challenge.

Nightlife )

Wood. Giles/Wesley. 15

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My entry for [info]lostgirlslair's Drunk!Gilesathon!

For [info]mischloran, who wanted; scarf-wearing, Wesley and a butterfly, no angst nor unhappy ending nor the mention of any Christmas Song. So sank my hopes of getting to write Giles/Dawn NC17 s/m suicide pact!angst, with wasps, based on the lyrics to “Frosty the Snowman.” Instead, I offered her…

Wood )

*runs away*

First Sight. Giles/Balthazaar. 15

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For [info]slashthedrabble

First Sight )

Sweet, Wrinkled Clem. Clem/Snyder. 15

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This is [info]violethamster's fault.

Sweet, Wrinkled Clem (after Lochinvar) )

Apologies to [info]felisblanco. What can I say? I'm a home-wrecker...

The Quickie and the Dead. Wesley/Spike. 15

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Drabble. [info]flurblewig asked for Spesley, voyeurism and filth. But my poetic muse took an unhealthy interest; two out out three ain't bad. *sings*: "Gimme the moonlight......"

The Quickie and the Dead )

Two Andrew drabbles: A sad one, then a silly one to cheer you up again. Up to 15

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Two Andrew drabbles. A sad one, then a silly one to cheer you up again.

Looking On )

Unappreciated )

Blown Off. Spike/Wes. 15

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A little poem on the problem of farts during lovemaking.

Blown Off! )

3 Wesley Drabbles: Wesley/Andrew, Wesley/Lindsey, Wesley/Angel. Up to 15

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Three very different Wesley Drabbles. First a Wes/Andrew, dark/humour (sort of!), for [info]deborahmm, then a light Wes/Lindsey for [info]killer_weasel, and finally a decisively dark Wes/Angel for [info]willshenilshe.

Rose's Lime )

Your Choice of Topping )

Sure )

3 Gunn drabbles. Gunn/Spike, Gunn/Wes, Gunn/Angel, Up to 15

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Three Gunn drabbles; the first a Gunn/Spike pissing contest for [info]flurblewig, the second some Wes/Gunn schmoop for [info]theferretgirl. Finally, some Gunn/Angel, a little bit darker for [info]strickens_girl

Blessed )

Chocofrolicks )

Someone's Gotta Do It )

2 Drabbles: Fuck a l'Orange/Sunburn. Wes/Spike/Angel. 15

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The first one's the hurt, the second is the comfort. Rated "ow!" for bizarre use of oranges....

Fuck a l’Orange )

Sunburn )

Wesley Loosens Up. Wesley/Giles. 15

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A favourite poem, I must admit.

Wesley Loosens Up )
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