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DC Tomorrow: A Nextgen RP

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Martian Curiosity [Sep. 5th, 2012|10:03 pm]

K'hym had been watching the news, keeping track of various Earth things.  But one news item had been of the utmost importance, and so she just had to share this information with her sister.

They had landed a rover.  On Mars.  Near where her house used to be! 

"SISTER!" she yelled, trying to find her in the house.  "Sister, I have amazing news!"
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[Aug. 11th, 2012|02:29 am]

Iris was bored. Extremely bored.

Her father, brother, and any close friend would say that is a bad thing. They would be correct.

Iris had decided to take matters into her own hands. And what better way to do it then going to the beach?

Keystone City had no good beaches. But Titans Tower was right on the water...

Iris sped off, not even stopping to see if anyone was in the Tower when she got there. She raced up to her room, changed into her bathing suit, and decided to make a pit stop in the kitchen to make a snack.

Hmm...did she want a sandwich? Ice cream? Chips? Something healthy? Everything in the kitchen?

...Choices were hard, sometimes.
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Ladies night in [Aug. 5th, 2012|07:30 pm]
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So basically Hannah had told Penny she hadn't seen TV since she was six. And that she hadn't seen any movies that weren't educational.

Apparently that was bad or something. So she had been ordered to the lounge in comfortable clothes with snack food she might like because Penny was going to fix this. She should be afraid, shouldn't she?

"Penny?" Just where is she?
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Gang Wars- Bludhaven [Jul. 30th, 2012|09:34 pm]
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There has been an upswing of gang related activity in Bludhaven. Just because they could get away with it too. They were getting really good and much better organized because of people backing them.

That people was actually just one man. They of course didn't know that. What they did know is that they were getting paid to go do what they do best just across the river in Bludhaven.

Throw a party.

So what if they captured some high school kinds and were making them cry a bit?

Boo-hoo. They need to learn to smile more!
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Patrol in SPACE [Jul. 19th, 2012|12:27 pm]
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It was incredibly easy to get talked into going on patrol with Keith. Bludhaven had been very hot during the day and she could get people to cover for her. She had needed the break from working in the kitchen anyways. She also had been interested in seeing how Keith operated in the field.

So far things were going well. They had helped out in a few places where an extra helping hand had been needed. She had teased the hell out of Keith when an alien girl had fan-girled a bit at him. She thought it had been so adorable really.

"I think I'm picking up a distress call," she says as they're making their way away from that last planet. "Shall we check it out?"
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Field Test [Jul. 5th, 2012|04:27 pm]

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Richie checked himself in the mirror. The custom jacket had finally come in from the leather shop. Plenty of holster slots for the various gear Grandpa Digger had passed on to him. It wasn't as if he really had a lot else going on, so he'd figured he'd give the whole 'do-gooder' thing a shot. At the very least, he could give Walker some backup if he got himself in any of his usual Freaky Stuff.

"So... what do you think?" He turns to his host, cracking a smile.
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Monitor Duty (YJLA) [Jun. 14th, 2012|11:27 pm]
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Hannah is finishing up recording a letter to a fellow Blue Lantern as she keeps an eye on things. Her voice is soft but easily heard over the soft hum of the computers running before her. She takes the shifts that she can mot of the time or patrols wherever she is needed.

Mostly though she is filling up the time and telling a friend how she is doing.

"....I can't say I enjoy this though, Brother but it's good to be back on Earth. As I told you it has been a long time since I have been here. I hope your work goes well, my friend. I hear that the clean up efforts on Durketh are going very well so I suppose that says something. Anyways, I send you all my best wishes my friend. If I get leave to travel it would be good to see you next year, if not please keep in contact.... Ah, ring? pause here, please."

She peers closely then adjusts the computer to get a fix on something. No all seems fairly quite today. Honestly she's starting to get a little bored she could be working at the shelter if she wasn't here but she can't just leave.
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The Return (Sin) [Jun. 5th, 2012|10:58 pm]
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He would tell her tonight.

Tim made up his mind to tell Sin everything about himself and let her decide how she felt a few months ago. Their relationship was full of stops and starts, miscommunications and unexplained absences, many of them on his part. Whenever /she/ called to cancel on /him/, he usually knew why. She had an actual job she had to work, followed by hitting the streets night after night. Tim had much more freedom in his schedule but he had to play along in order to keep her from finding out just how much he really knew about her.

He hoped that she would tell him her story on her own so that he didn't make her feel like she was depending on him to save her. Sin wasn't the kind of woman that needed saving. He wanted her to trust, though. He wanted her to know that he was there for her. But he couldn't do ask for that when he was keeping secrets from her.

So he'd asked her out to dinner, ready to explain everything when he learned that several of the criminals normally dealt were getting their funding and manpower from the same sources. Robin and Batgirl did a bit more digging and found that every one of them were getting aid from the League and that a new assassin called the Chimera had been sent to Gotham to deal with a "rogue agent".

That night, Tim canceled on Sin at the very last minute and boarded a jet for the Mediterranean to deal with things in person under the cover of a "business trip" with Tam Fox. She and Tim had no romantic interest in each other whatsoever, but the media painted it as an illicit getaway. Rather than let Sin volunteer to help in her own defense, Tim let the accusation ride and hoped he could explain it when he returned.

Batman spent three months dismantling the League's operations in the Middle East, hoping to get the message across to Ra's al Ghul that his interference in Gotham wasn't appreciated. Ra's responded by sending assassin's after several important dignitaries and business associates of Wayne Enterprises. In the end, Batman narrowly averted disaster by calling on several old friends in his network to get those people to safety.

His face-to-face meeting with Ra's ended with several broken ribs and being kicked out of a widow, but Batman also rendered the League of Assassin's dead broke. Without money to finance his operations, Ra's al Ghul would have to retreat to recoup his losses. Batman returned home after a lengthy recuperation, and Tim Drake after a very public "disagreement" with Tam Fox, to see Sin immediately.

He waits in the darkness of her apartment for her to return from her work shift, knowing that she often walks in the door around this time before getting ready to go on her patrol. When she enters, he steps from the shadows.

"We need to talk, Miss Queen." Batman rasps from the corner of the darkened room.
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[Jun. 4th, 2012|09:51 pm]
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James padded back to Damien's empty apartment, filthy and snarling. Some thug in Black Mask's employ had been clever enough to know that old silver worked best, and James had suffered the embarrassment of being sliced with a sharpened cake service -- from the thug's grandmother's cabinet, perhaps, because it hurt rather badly. He was in the kitchen cleaning, salving, and bandaging it
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You could have least sent me a postcard (Damien) [Jun. 3rd, 2012|12:16 am]
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Lian's had a long, hard day. At work, which was extremely busy, she had to deal with more druken assholes trying to grab her ass than usual. And then, there was patrol, in which a raid against one of Black Mask's operations had gone poorer than expected. He was stepping up his game. Which meant that she had to step up hers.

Right after she had a very long bubble bath and crawled into her bed after eating hamburger helper and watching bad late night television...which sounded extremely inviting right now.

Except when she climbed into her window, she already smelled the Hamburger Helper cooking.

Weird. When she'd talked to James earlier, he had already said he had plans that night. And it wasn't like he had a key to her apartment. No the only other person who had a key had up and left and hadn't called since.

"James?" Lian asked, walking into the kitchen. "I thought you were going out -"

She stops when she reaches the kitchen. And glares.

"Oh, so you are living and breathing. I was starting to wonder."
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Introducing.... (open to Teen Titans) [Jun. 2nd, 2012|08:28 pm]
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Ash had been staying on the surface with Arion for a little while now. They had gotten an apartment, for the two of them and Cerdian not to far from the Hall of Justice, and managed to pull a couple of strings so they could have teleporters in the apartment, so Ash wouldn't have far to travel to Titans Tower, since she did not want to live there full time.

Arion had called ahead to tell the Titans that they would be arriving. They appeared in front of Titans Tower.

Arion gave his sister a light squeeze on the arm. "You're going to fine," he said with a smile. "I promise."

He rang the doorbell.
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Back home again [May. 31st, 2012|09:05 pm]
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Jai let himself into the Brownstone and set his bag down on the floor. Finishing school early for the year was good and it let him go to London for his internship, but he missed being home and seeing his friends.

"Hey, anyone around?" he asks. He decides against speeding around the place to find out who is there and who isn't, just because he doesn't want to make Mickey or Nic spill anything on their shirts again. They'd swear he did it on purpose and...yeah. There would be drama.
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Out Shopping (Mary) [May. 31st, 2012|05:16 pm]
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Vic was out to the grocery store to pick up a few thing for Ben while he was teaching a beginner's level class. As much as he did love living in the wilds with his dad it was really just so convenient having a super-market to go to to get food.

Vic was currently in the produce section of the store looking for the organic fruits.
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Troubled streets (Bludhaven crowd) [May. 28th, 2012|10:28 pm]
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Hannah has been a very buy girl. Between work as a Blue Lantern and her new duties as the manager of the shelter she hasn't had much time to herself. She hasn't even bothered with trying to start in on building a personal life. She simply doesn't have time too many people need her for so many things.

Speaking of people who needed her? Prostitutes. Who weren't eating because they couldn't afford to. So she was passing out food in the dead of night. And condoms because while she didn't agree with their profession she wanted them to be safe.

A few she talked to about going to the shelter because they looked so painfully young.

And suddenly she thinks there might be trouble, should she be moving on now?
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Perhaps it's time to talk to the hot mage... [May. 11th, 2012|08:06 pm]
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Welp, Michael is feeling a bit...meh. He's had his own time, for certain, and with the way he has had his free time he's now lingering on things. Things like...oh...how his little cousin has a girlfriend, and his last person of interest went for Atlantean fishcake (Michael was sure that Arion didn't qualify as beefcake, but that may well just be a little bit of bitterness). So now here he was, with ample free time, and just about all of it spent wallowing.

He did not like that, so he went about looking for something to do. Which in his spartan apartment stood for "jack" and "shit". until he found the paper. It was a bit older, back from that thing he organized. The Speed dating. And there was a name that called to him. Sindella. The really attractive one (that didn't really lower the number), the black haired magician.

So he decided to give it a ring. Worst she could do is say no, right?
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Green meets Blue [Apr. 26th, 2012|07:12 pm]
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It had been almost a week since she had come back to Earth. She had been so busy with the shelter. She had come back and fourth between the shelter and the Hall of Justice hoping to run into Green Lantern Queen.

No success so far.

Today though she is in the upper atmosphere while she recharges her ring. She thinks that she sees a streak of green out of the corner of her eye. Once she is done recharging she chases after the light.
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Call from the Past [Apr. 23rd, 2012|04:56 pm]
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Max sat at his lab-table, several chemicals and ingredients out and ready for use. He was 2o years old, not old enough to get legally drunk. With what was in front of him, he could easily make his own alcoholic beverage. Now he was just debating how much he wanted to forget.
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Family reunions (Sin) [Apr. 23rd, 2012|10:43 pm]
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Lian had given this a lot of thought. Sure, she'd told James that she wouldn't tell Dinah and Ollie about Sin being alive (as much as she wanted to). Did she also say that she wouldn't contact Sin? Maybe. But Lian did tell James that she wanted to see her. She'd done her best to stay away, she honestly had. But it had been years since she'd seen her aunt. Lian had spent years, wondering what had happened to her. If she was still even alive.

She'd done some digging around in Damien's stuff, and managed to track down Sin's current address. Lian was a nervous wreck as she drove to the apartment in Gotham. She was little when Sin had been ripped away from her grandparents and disappeared without a trace. Would she ever recognize Lian all grown up? Would she even want to see her? What if she felt like she'd been abandoned, since they were never able to find her?

Damnit, she was nervous. Her hands were shaking on the steering wheel as she pulled up to the building where Sin lived. Lian acted like she'd lost her keys, and an elderly woman let her into the building. She took the elevator up to the floor where Sin lived, her heart beating loudly in her chest.

Maybe she wouldn't even be home. Maybe Damien purposely planted the wrong address, knowing that his girlfriend might go snooping around looking for. No. She had to stop thinking that way. She had to just focus on what was going on right now, which was finally seeing Sin face to face after all these years.

Lian took a deep breath and knocked on the apartment door.
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Getting a few things (Open to Gotham) [Apr. 23rd, 2012|10:40 pm]
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Vic was out getting a few things for Uncle Ben and his dojo. He was liking the work there with Uncle Ben at the dojo he had set up.

He was had picked up a few groceries already. Some juice, some fruits and vegetables, and some steak for Ben since he didn't eat meat. He was going to grab a movie from the Redbox before heading back.
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So...what do we do next? (Arion) [Apr. 23rd, 2012|07:42 pm]

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Habit had settled into J'anna's world as it often did and Tuesday nights were "The Night Arion Came Over and Sat on the Couch to Watch TV While Eating Snacks" night.   Normal society referred to that as date night, but J'anna still hadn't figured out what the significance of a Middle Eastern fruit had to do with anything, especially when it sometimes happened on Fridays as well and, if they were very not busy, Sundays, too.  This had been going on for several months and J'anna had the nagging feeling that there was something she was missing entirely, but she sat out the snacks just the same as she always did and waited for Arion.
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