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DC Tomorrow: A Nextgen RP

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Ladies night in [Aug. 5th, 2012|07:30 pm]
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So basically Hannah had told Penny she hadn't seen TV since she was six. And that she hadn't seen any movies that weren't educational.

Apparently that was bad or something. So she had been ordered to the lounge in comfortable clothes with snack food she might like because Penny was going to fix this. She should be afraid, shouldn't she?

"Penny?" Just where is she?
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Patrol in SPACE [Jul. 19th, 2012|12:27 pm]
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It was incredibly easy to get talked into going on patrol with Keith. Bludhaven had been very hot during the day and she could get people to cover for her. She had needed the break from working in the kitchen anyways. She also had been interested in seeing how Keith operated in the field.

So far things were going well. They had helped out in a few places where an extra helping hand had been needed. She had teased the hell out of Keith when an alien girl had fan-girled a bit at him. She thought it had been so adorable really.

"I think I'm picking up a distress call," she says as they're making their way away from that last planet. "Shall we check it out?"
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Monitor Duty (YJLA) [Jun. 14th, 2012|11:27 pm]
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Hannah is finishing up recording a letter to a fellow Blue Lantern as she keeps an eye on things. Her voice is soft but easily heard over the soft hum of the computers running before her. She takes the shifts that she can mot of the time or patrols wherever she is needed.

Mostly though she is filling up the time and telling a friend how she is doing.

"....I can't say I enjoy this though, Brother but it's good to be back on Earth. As I told you it has been a long time since I have been here. I hope your work goes well, my friend. I hear that the clean up efforts on Durketh are going very well so I suppose that says something. Anyways, I send you all my best wishes my friend. If I get leave to travel it would be good to see you next year, if not please keep in contact.... Ah, ring? pause here, please."

She peers closely then adjusts the computer to get a fix on something. No all seems fairly quite today. Honestly she's starting to get a little bored she could be working at the shelter if she wasn't here but she can't just leave.
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Troubled streets (Bludhaven crowd) [May. 28th, 2012|10:28 pm]
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Hannah has been a very buy girl. Between work as a Blue Lantern and her new duties as the manager of the shelter she hasn't had much time to herself. She hasn't even bothered with trying to start in on building a personal life. She simply doesn't have time too many people need her for so many things.

Speaking of people who needed her? Prostitutes. Who weren't eating because they couldn't afford to. So she was passing out food in the dead of night. And condoms because while she didn't agree with their profession she wanted them to be safe.

A few she talked to about going to the shelter because they looked so painfully young.

And suddenly she thinks there might be trouble, should she be moving on now?
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Green meets Blue [Apr. 26th, 2012|07:12 pm]
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It had been almost a week since she had come back to Earth. She had been so busy with the shelter. She had come back and fourth between the shelter and the Hall of Justice hoping to run into Green Lantern Queen.

No success so far.

Today though she is in the upper atmosphere while she recharges her ring. She thinks that she sees a streak of green out of the corner of her eye. Once she is done recharging she chases after the light.
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Greetings from Odym [Apr. 14th, 2012|10:22 pm]
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Outside the Hall of Juice a Blue Lantern lands one afternoon. The sun is shining and it's very warm out. She stops to take everything in and is glad she got here when it's likely that she will run into someone.

She moves forward quickly making her way in suddenly aware she has no idea who she should speak to.

"Er? Hello? Is anyone here?"

She was going to feel so awkward if no one was here. "I was sent to find Green Lantern Queen of Earth."

Which was true. She was sent to be his partner after all.
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