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DC Tomorrow: A Nextgen RP

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Greetings from Odym [Apr. 14th, 2012|10:22 pm]
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Outside the Hall of Juice a Blue Lantern lands one afternoon. The sun is shining and it's very warm out. She stops to take everything in and is glad she got here when it's likely that she will run into someone.

She moves forward quickly making her way in suddenly aware she has no idea who she should speak to.

"Er? Hello? Is anyone here?"

She was going to feel so awkward if no one was here. "I was sent to find Green Lantern Queen of Earth."

Which was true. She was sent to be his partner after all.
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Surprise Visit! [Apr. 11th, 2012|10:01 pm]
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It's been awhile since Keith had talked to Lian.  She was holed up in her apartment and doing her bar thing, and he was off saving the world, and the universe, with his whole Green Lantern thing.  Not that he was toting that around like a trophy or anything.  All in all, though, he really did feel like paying her a visit, and now seemed like the perfect time to do it.  The timing was right so that she probably wasn't working, and he didn't have any pressing matters to attend to.

Keith knocked on the door of Lian's apartment and waited for an answer.
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Most Grandfathers Would Just Send A Cheque [Mar. 28th, 2012|05:56 am]

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Richie took the stairs up to the penthouse. Besides being good exercise, it gave him time to think. He'd continued sending word back home once a week or so, but he still wasn't ready to go back. How do you just go back to people who lied to you like that? It was nice that they were still covering his credit cards, but you can't buy trust. Still, he had a place to crash, thanks to Walker, and he had fresh underwear, thanks to today's shopping.

He opens the door into the hallway, and then stops in his tracks. There's a crate in front of the door. A big crate. A big wooden crate. No packing slip.

The first thing he can say is, "..please don't be a body."

Hey, Jude gets into Weird Shit.

He gets out his phone and dials Jude. "Dude, are you home? There's a big-ass crate outside your door.

Where do you even get a wooden crate these days?"
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Attempting Exercise [Mar. 15th, 2012|08:49 pm]
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Jacob was in the Brownstone exercise room. He had waited for it to empty because..because it was something he was really embarrassed about. It was no secret Jacob was overweight, but now being a member of the JSA, and the fact he was now dating Nic, led him to be a little more determined to lose some weight. Of course thinking it was a lot easier than doing it. He was only super-strong while he used his powers, and he wanted to do this without "cheating". However, that meant a lot of frustration and a glaring reminder of how out-of-shape he was. He tried both push-ups and sit-ups. Push-ups went..horribly. Sit-ups went a little better, but still not as many as he would have liked compared to how many he knew the others could do.

He strained to do another sit-up before flopping back to the mat, covered in sweat, breathing heavily, and annoyed with himself.
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To Date Me, You Must First Get Past My Sister! [Mar. 14th, 2012|10:10 pm]

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With her father still away on business on Saturn, K'hym had been quite happy to continue living with her sister.  It was good bonding.  Her big little sister was one of her favorite people in the world, after all.

On the other hand, if she was going to have her date with Virgil tonight, he was going to have to meet with J'anna's approval.

This made K'hym very nervous.

"He will be here any minute," she said, nervously.  "Please do not turn into a wild Thraknor and eat his face."
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Curiosity (Marissa & Sin) [Feb. 27th, 2012|06:46 pm]
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Damien spent two weeks going over James report on his adopted sister in his mind before putting in for a few days off. He used the computer in the office at work to Google a pair of addresses and then set out after calling Lian to tell her that he'd be back in a few days. Damien sensed that she wanted to ask him more about what was going on and he knew she'd go with him if he asked, but he didn't.

He had to do this himself.

Each day, Damien sat at a table in the corner of the cafe where James said he'd met Marissa. The computer at work was also good for bringing up images of famous people, though Damien did not care for many of the ones he'd seen. Most of the photos showed Marissa with a girl, Mary Grayson and sometimes with her "brother", Timothy Drake. Now and again, he came across other photos of Marissa with her mother and father and Damien couldn't help staring at how perfect their little family looked. Then there were pictures of Bruce, Timothy and Richard Grayson. Bruce and his boys were all smiles and laughs and Damien wondered what they knew that made them so close. Perhaps he'd ask.

When Marissa Wayne arrived for her morning coffee, the Barista had her instructions. Marissa was to receive a free coffee along with a giftcard from "a friend".

Damien read his paper and sipped his tea, though he kept an eye out to see how Marissa would react to her sudden good fortune.
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Oscar Party (open) [Feb. 26th, 2012|07:10 pm]

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J'anna loves the movies.  She had seen every single film nominated in every category--including the obscure documentaries.  She had seen some of them twice.  For her the annual telecast of the Oscars was her Super Bowl.  She waited all year for this and so now that the day had arrived she put out a truly epic and varied spread of snacks, drinks, and goodies, put on something cute, and opened her modest little apartment for an awesome Oscar party.
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Playing in the Snow (Meme: 4, 14) [Feb. 15th, 2012|10:22 pm]
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Max was where he usually was during this time of day, in the lab. Though he intended to check out early, perhaps take Joni out somewhere fun.
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Valentine's Day [Feb. 14th, 2012|05:29 pm]
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Happy Valentine's Day
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Shaken (Meme 2, 18) [Feb. 13th, 2012|02:26 pm]

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Petra sat bolt upright, gasping. She was absolutely terrified, but couldn't figure out why. She pulled her knees up to her chest for a minute, shaking, and looking across the room. After a minute, she took her pillow with her and crept down the hall, knocking at Mickey's door.
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Prompt 1 Scene 19 Marcus & Mary- Fight Club [Feb. 12th, 2012|09:05 pm]

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Marcus didn't like working in Gotham if he didn't have to been he had been following a lead that lead to a underground fight club in Gotham and he thought he might need a little bit of help. This was not the sort of place to go alone if it could be helped.

He sent a call out to Mary to see if she wanted to help since he would prefer working with her over any of the others working in Gotham he knew about.
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Sick Times (Meme 4, 18) [Feb. 12th, 2012|01:59 pm]
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Tanya was not having the best of days. She had tried to suit up for hero work and yet she was hacking and coughing. Really bad. She barely made it to the bathroom before the contents of her stomach decided they wanted more time out in the day, and she remembered putting out two calls before she peeled off the costume, bundled up in as much heavy clothing as she could, and wrapped herself up on her couch.

One of the people she called was her sweet sweet Polly, but the other...well, she kinda forgot.
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Spreading the News [Jan. 31st, 2012|10:32 pm]
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Well, there had been a lot buzz around the social circles (particularly Penny, but she is *always* talking) about how his cousin had been supposedly seeing someone. Michael was not one to really harbor or even listen to these things, but this was his cousin they were talking about. And as luck would have it he and Polly would be having some shared time On Call.

So he would wait for his cousin, munching on an apple while he waited for his fellow member of the Stepladder Brigade.
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Not a Date(Iris) [Jan. 31st, 2012|10:26 pm]

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Jerry was messing around on the internet looking at movies that were currently in theaters when he noticed that Beauty and the Beast 3D was still in theaters. He knew someone that would definitely want to see that if she hadn't already seen if already or a few times already.

Jerry sent Iris a quick text to find out if she might be interested in going or not.
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Worrying. [Jan. 25th, 2012|10:46 pm]
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After that Unfortunate Encounter with the Overly Zealous 'helpful' Icemaiden, James managed to get home and out of the cold, drying off. He let himself rest a little, but mostly he waited, wrestling with himself about going to Lian's and dragging his master away. But he had his orders.

He hoped Damien hadn't done anything he'd regret. He'd hoped Lian had don't anything Damien would regret. Well, not anything more.
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If that's the best you've got I can do this all day (open) [Jan. 21st, 2012|11:23 am]

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The wings weren't a secret and they hadn't been since Nic was about ten and decided that her parents could stfu and she was going to say it loud that she had wings and was proud.  It had never been too much of a direct issue, though every once in awhile some genius decided that the wings and being half-black were just too much to let slide and decided to give Nic shit.  These people clearly never watched the evening news because if they had they would've realized that screwing with the winged girl with a mace was a Very Bad Idea.  Ask any criminal with multiple broken bones, they'd tell you.

Clearly the two guys from the football team weren't news-watchers.  They were barely above the missing link, but that didn't stop them from first cornering Nic and then attempting to screw with her in all the usual ways: taunts, trying to pluck feathers from her wings, an actual wing grope.  That was a bad move.  Nic punched the one guy and was gonna go for the other when it dawned on her that she didn't have her mace.  At all.

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Gotham by Night (open) [Jan. 17th, 2012|07:06 pm]

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There was another Wayne event tonight, huge even by Wayne standards. Sin had been careful to avoid being invited to work the event but through thoroughly mundane means: she had broken her cell phone. She needed to get another anyway. Changing the number out often was a simple security measure that she stuck to religiously. It also meant if Tim Wayne tried to reach her by phone he wouldn't be able to. He'd have to find her in person and given that it looked like all the Gotham-based Wayne siblings were required at this fete he would probably be too busy. All the better. She had plans to keep an eye on the event from the outside. If she were honest with herself she'd admit that what she was really intending to do was protect Tim.

But honesty could be dangerous.
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[Jan. 17th, 2012|12:50 am]
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[Takes place shortly after this.]

Lian climbed into her apartment window, pulling off her hood and mask. She wasn't even in the apartment for five minutes when she got a chill down her spine. Someone else was here. In the apartment. With her.

Lian pulled her bathrobe on over her costume, and grabbed her bow, hiding it behind her back. She stepped cautiously into the hall.

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A girl has to make a living... (open) [Jan. 16th, 2012|09:01 pm]

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There wasn't an evening that went by that J'anna didn't kick herself mentally for not having thought things out more thoroughly when she applied for and subsequently took her part-time job.  At the time she hadn't considered her appearance and the possibility that people might somehow recognize her from her regular life.  If she had she would have shifted, procured an ID with appropriate form and gone from there, but she didn't.  Instead she simply walked in as herself and got the job.

At Hooters.

It had been several months and admittedly her tips were excellent and no one she knew had ever ventured in, but she still regretted her lack of shifting at the start of every single shift.  And every time she had to adjust her too-small shorts.
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Observation is Key (open) [Jan. 16th, 2012|11:10 pm]
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Lian Harper was Calypso's first friend on the surface world, and she had taken the same role that Karen Starr had taken for Calypso's mother some time ago.  This included getting Calypso a job and teaching her a few things about how to mix a drink (though admittedly, Calypso was not going to be a bartender as she was far too inexperienced for that. She was going to be a busgirl, which was a task better suited to her).  While Calypso didn't entirely understand why people would gather in an enclosed space to inebriate themselves and act in such manners as they did, she was happy that she'd made a friend like Lian and could get some 'working experience'.  Granted, she wasn't exactly working tonight.  She was just surveying the place and trying to watch some of the people on hand do their job.  Better to get an idea of how to act around customers first, then to learn first-hand when she hasn't even been on the surface and dealing with people for very long.
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