Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

General Fic: Sixty Seconds (Sally-Anne Perks)

Title: Sixty Seconds
Characters: Sally-Anne Wood and Hannah Hopkins
Setting: 6D-verse, a few years in the future
Word Count: 311
Summary: Sixty seconds can feel like the longest minute in the world.
Rating: G

The house was too quiet. )
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Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

General Fic: What If (Sally-Anne Perks)

Title: What If ...
Characters: Sally-Anne Perks, with apperances by Hannah Abbott, Nathan NoLastName, Alexander Perks, and Oliver Wood, as well as mentions of Wayne Hopkins and Bailey Wood.
Setting: Early 2004 through December 2005
Word Count: 1570
Summary: What if Sally hadn't lost the baby? From the time she found out she was late until December 2005, her history has been rewritten to reflect how much her life is different. (Though the first four paragraphs are pretty much the same regardless.)
Rating: Um. No real language or naughty bits, so probably a G? I mean, heck, Disney gets a G rating with killing their main characters' parents, right? And it's not like anyone even dies here.
Author's Note: While thinking through some fics I still owe at [info]sixdegreesrpg, I was inspired to write a "What if" fic for Sally, changing one major piece of her history, to see what might have happened instead.

Sally was late. And not just a few days, as sometimes happened, but -really- late. )
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Monday, March 21st, 2011

300 Prompts: #2, Peaceful (Sally-Anne Perks)

Title: The Happiest Word in the World
Characters: Sally-Anne WOOD and little baby Maggie Wood (+ mentions of Oliver, the rest of Team Wood, & Hannah)
Setting: Team Wood house
Word Count: 450
Summary: Sally sits and marvels at the newest member of the Wood family.
Rating: So, so G!
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #2: Peaceful. I needed a happy!fic for Sally after the previous one.

The house was quiet and peaceful, which was in itself worth of note ... )
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300 Prompts: #277, Days (Sally-Anne Perks)

Title: Days Passed
Characters: Sally-Anne Perks (mentions of Oliver and Bailey Wood)
Setting: Sally's cottage, Friday March 18 - Monday March 21, 2006
Word Count: 1006
Summary: The anniversary of The Incident crept up on Sally unexpectedly, sending her into a tailspin.
Rating: Um, low-ish? No violence or sex or anything. Just warnings for potentially trigger-y stuff regarding loss of pregnancy.
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #277: Days. Also turned into a log-starter over at the game.

It was a normal Friday morning. )
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