Sunday, February 19th, 2012

300 Prompts: #276, Hours (Hugh Bradley)

Title: Hours
Characters: Hugh Bradley & Mark Cross
Setting: Summer 1995, middle of nowhere somewhere outside of Falmouth
Word Count: 951
Summary: The events of the night when Hugh's best friend died.
Rating: Low-ish. A bit of cursing, plus death.
Author's Note: For the 300 prompts #276: Hours

Somehow, they'd ended up in the middle of nowhere. But, really, what better place to test how fast The Rust Bucket could really go? )
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Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

300 Prompts: #46, Dare

Title: Truth or Dare
Characters: Will Bell & Rin Clarke, plus mentions of Penny, Rosmerta, Greta, & assorted other Hufflepuffs
Setting: Hufflepuff common room, DMR-verse, at some point in the school year
Word Count: 271
Summary: The Badgers play Truth or Dare
Rating: Low, just a bit of a snog going. And near-nakedness, but SFW.
Author's Note: For the 300 prompts #46: Dare

'Okay … Will! Truth or dare?' )
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Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

300 Prompts: #10, Ring

Title: Ring
Characters: Hugh Bradley (with mentions of Morag MacDougal)
Setting: Valentine's Day 2007, a jewellery store in London
Word Count: 574
Summary: Hugh goes out window-shopping on his lunch break.
Rating: Low, no warnings.
Author's Note: For the 300 prompts #10: Ring

It was gorgeous, perfect. He could clearly see it shining on Mo's finger. He knew she would love it. )
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Wednesday, March 30th, 2011

300 Prompts: #66, Drag (Misty Harris)

Title: What a Drag
Characters: Misty Harris & Riley Sullivan
Setting: Sometime in the second half of their senior year.
Word Count: 250
Summary: Shock of shocks, Riley convinced Misty to do something fun that she didn't want to do.
Rating: PG for mention of tits?
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #66: Drag. Happy birthday, Stevie! :*

I can't -believe- I let you talk me into this! )
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Monday, March 21st, 2011

300 Prompts: #2, Peaceful (Sally-Anne Perks)

Title: The Happiest Word in the World
Characters: Sally-Anne WOOD and little baby Maggie Wood (+ mentions of Oliver, the rest of Team Wood, & Hannah)
Setting: Team Wood house
Word Count: 450
Summary: Sally sits and marvels at the newest member of the Wood family.
Rating: So, so G!
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #2: Peaceful. I needed a happy!fic for Sally after the previous one.

The house was quiet and peaceful, which was in itself worth of note ... )
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300 Prompts: #277, Days (Sally-Anne Perks)

Title: Days Passed
Characters: Sally-Anne Perks (mentions of Oliver and Bailey Wood)
Setting: Sally's cottage, Friday March 18 - Monday March 21, 2006
Word Count: 1006
Summary: The anniversary of The Incident crept up on Sally unexpectedly, sending her into a tailspin.
Rating: Um, low-ish? No violence or sex or anything. Just warnings for potentially trigger-y stuff regarding loss of pregnancy.
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #277: Days. Also turned into a log-starter over at the game.

It was a normal Friday morning. )
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Sunday, November 14th, 2010

300 Prompts: #288, Round (Mary Macdonald)

Title: Round
Characters: Mary Macdonald & Chase Harper
Setting: Summer, 1977
Word Count: 151
Summary: Chase talks Mary into trying something new.
Rating: G
Author's Note: For the 300 Prompts #288: Round.

Come on, it's not like you haven't done this before, right? )
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Friday, November 12th, 2010

300 Prompts: #145, Slut (Mary Macdonald)

Title: Sticks and Stones
Characters: Mary Macdonald
Setting: Train back from Hogwarts, June 1976
Word Count: 153
Summary: If Mary had said something about Mulciber's attack right after it happened.
Rating: PG-13 for mature themes
Author's Note: Alternate series of events (or, rather, Mary's entire justification for why she didn't say anything when it happened); for the 300 Prompts #145: Slut.

Or, at least, that's what everyone else believed. )
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more prompts!

You know the drill. Pick a character of mine (& one of yours, if you so desire) and a prompt. I can't promise I'll get to these in order or necessarily quickly, it depends on how and when inspiration strikes. And I don't do fandom, just characters I've played.

Because the table is SO HUGE, feel free to request a bunch.

ETA: I have discovered that the prompt "Slow" is on the table twice, so I'm swapping out one with a different prompt.

300 prompts )
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