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Jul. 12th, 2010


Hey everyone, I'm Raisa and I bring you Rolo Lamperogue from Code Geass! I might be a little slow at first, but once I get used to things I'll definitely speed up and maybe even bring in a new character.

Anyway, for those of you who aren't familiar with this guy I'll try and give you the gist of him without any spoilers. Basically he was raised to become an assassain and that has shaped him into a pretty cold and emotionless guy. He's absolutely obsesseddevoted to his "brother" Lelouch, the main character of the series, and would do anything for him no matter the cost.

This will be my first time playing him, or anyone from that series for that matter, so I'll probably be a little shaky at first. If you notice me doing something wrong, don't hesitate to tell me! You can get in contact with my on aim or through email, both of which I use the name lilrockergirl474. For email all you have to do is add to the end. If for whatever reason you can't get to me through either of those methods, I'll be putting up a contact post in this journal shortly and you can use that. Plotting is also very welcome and can be done through any of those three methods!

I look foward to my time in this game and playing with all of you!

Jul. 9th, 2010


A Belated Hello =D

Hey hey, everyone ^_^

I am Aileen and I'm returning to InsaneJournal type RP after ages flitting around InvisionFree boards. I will be playing loveable coward (although, of course, your mileage may vary on that description) Luigi. You know... Luigi? As in Mario and Luigi? Tagging along, shaking like a leaf? The green one? ... It'll come to you :P

Poor Luigi has been kidnapped (again) from his own world and thrown into Hell to fight for them. Goodness knows why since he's a massive coward, so hopefully Mario shows up soon. Of course, knowing his luck... Mario will end up on Heaven's side :P He does harness great power, but has little access to it, being that he's so nervous and jumpy all the time. Any more info on Luigi anyone desires can be found in his app/bio and if anyone has an issue or question about the way I'm playing him, email or private message works. With plots/friendships/rivalries/quirks, I'm very open to suggestion =3

As far as time zones go, I'm GMT and am on usually throughout the day. I'm easily caught from ten to midnight GMT and if anyone wants to thread/plot/conspire an email works =3

So I think that;s everything covered >_> I look forward to threading with you all ^_^

Jun. 27th, 2010


Sorry about not being around much recently. I'm in the process of getting ready to move and I've been busy recently. The next couple days are going to be full of packing, so I don't think I'll be able to do much catching up. If you guys don't mind me being late to the party, I'll probably go through and reply to malfunction day posts retroactively when I get a chance. It looks like it's been a fun one! ^^

Jun. 25th, 2010



So... I just realized that I all but dropped off the face of forever for a few weeks here. Work ate my soul (opening a new store, being shorthanded, scheduling me to close one night and then open the next morning, etc.) and I just now got it back.


uhm... other than that I'm open to anything ever with mister serious face here.

Jun. 21st, 2010


About my unplanned hiatus...

I want to apologize that I vanished without notice from the game again for so long. I had a very bad case of summer flu that arrived from one evening to the next morning and could not go near a computer.

To those of you I am still owing a reply in game or out of it, I will try to have them out by tomorrow at the latest.

Again I am deeply sorry.

- Delilah

Jun. 18th, 2010


Trial 3 Results

With assorted people popping on and off of hiatus, the Trial 3 logs remain far from complete, but after some deliberation, we've decided it's time to declare results. Both teams showed their own variation of teamwork in the logs thus far. Since no logs were finished, we'll give both teams the benefit of the doubt and assume everyone succeeded in completing the course. With that in mind, we have decided:

Trial 3 ended in a draw.

Disappointing for team members, perhaps, but really, they did both do a good job.

For those who involved in the trial, you are perfectly welcome to keep posting to the logs, and I'll link them here for whoever might be interested in taking a look.

Asgard: Day 1 Day 2
Niflheim: Day 1 Day 2

We'll announce the next trial as soon as we have it planned. In the future, we plan to have smaller but more frequent trials. We hope that they will go more smoothly that way.

Jun. 10th, 2010


Hi! :3

Newbie here to ij and rping with mule accounts like this, but not to rping in general! I'm still shocked that ij lets you have 100 icons for free instead of having to shell out money for it. XD

So uhm, I'm KT (or "kuro," whichever <3) and this guy's name is Takuto Katsuragi (canon is a BL game called Messiah,) and he's the newest member of Hell's team! 8D

I'm frequently online during the afternoons and evenings, being a real night owl. Though sometimes the times I will be on vary. I'm frequently on aim and yahoo, so those are good places to hit me up. If I'm not on at that time, I'm either busy with something, or I'm indulging my gamer-ness, most likely. :3 (I am still trying to beat Fire Emblem 9 on Normal for the... 6th time or so?)

So, I hope you don't mind my newbness and questions should I be confused about one thing or another. Regardless, I would be happy to thread with anyone! 8D This guy has no canon-mates anywhere to be found!

A-ah, anyway. :3 Once I feel more certain about it, where to place him, etc, I'll start an open thread for those that wanna pester him! <3

Jun. 6th, 2010


A thread, please?

Hi there!

Is anybody interested in doing a little thread with his Sithliness?

Vader hasn't done anything in a very long while and I think he's getting bored.

May. 30th, 2010


State of the Chaos Address

Hey guys, this is Wei Jiangling on what will become the new mod account. I've finally decided to do some restructuring of this place in the hopes that it will make things run more smoothly. So all the info posts will be moving over to this journal in the near future. I'll be doing that probably in the next couple days. I'll give notification if/when I make any big changes. Most of it will just consist of links from the community profiles and sidebars going to a slightly different place.

In other news, Fey has decided to step down from being a mod since she doesn't have enough time to be really invested in it. She does plan to keep playing Jophiel, though.

Dis has been helping me come up with ideas for ways to make this game better, and has graciously accepted my request to help out in a more official capacity, so please welcome her as your new mod.

Aside from general moving information around to make more sense, we've also talked about some improvements we'd like to make to the content. This includes making trials something that happen more than once in almost a year, throwing in a few more serious-type malfunction days, etc. We'd really appreciate any suggestions you have for overall gameplay and plotting ideas in the future.

Things we'd especially appreciate feedback on:

1. Timing. Do you like the game running at four real days to one in game day? Would you prefer it shorter? Longer? Scrap the system entirely and just label everything with "Before/After [insert event here]"?

2. Specific places in Emptiness. Right now Emptiness is a pretty nebulous place, and we'd like to define a few places within it that characters might decide to go to. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

3. Log challenges. It seems like some characters are having a hard time coming up with ways to interact with other people. If you'd like, we could try to pair characters who don't often talk and make up a reason for them to interact. Would anyone be interested?

Please post with any comments/questions/ideas you might have. Thanks!

P.S. Yes, I really should go put up logs for the second day of the trial. I'll go do that right now.

May. 27th, 2010



Hello chaosians? Is that the term for you guys? I'm not too sure... anyway! Greetings and salutations! I'm Bix bringing the ever B| Rude here!

After all, what is a comm without turks? And what is a Reno without a Rude?


XD Anyway, yyyyeeeaah... >_> Feel free to bother me on aim at steelcorbix whenever I'm online.


May. 26th, 2010


Bit late, but better late than never, right?

Tomorrow around the afternoon/early evening, I won't be around much, if at all 'til Sunday-ish, since a friend I've not seen in ages is coming down with some friends of hers, and then next weekend is A-Kon, and the person I'm coming with is also staying the night as well, we'll be there all weekend until Sunday night, but I will probably be too worn out to be around. Or legible, at least. XD;

If Naoya is needed (coughs the trial thread(s) coughs), an email would PROBABLY be best, but there's a chance I probably won't do much but give short replies, if anything, so I'll be granting godmodding rights to any plot or thread that might need him. ♥

May. 21st, 2010


Enough of this Fail!

*facepalm* Alright, that's it, no more hindrences guys, I swear the activity for Morana and Medusa will pick up now that my final exams are over. I know I missed a lot (Also, hi to all the new characters ^^) but will get their interaction back up over the next couple of days in between work so they can get involved and get to know old and new people in Asgard and Niflheim respectively.

Anything you want to talk about with me everyone, feel free to poke me here. Again big apologies for my fail, but final year and burnout got the best of me, however I am going to try and make a real effort to get back into things instead of just jumping to the quick and easy option of dropping, though I admit that was something I thought about. Still, I'll do my best to make up for my fail, much love guys! <3

May. 20th, 2010


I'll be away for a bit

I still haven't managed to get really back into the game and become more active again, which is something that annoys me.

That said, I just wanted to let you know that I won't be available over Whitsuntide* until the following Wednesday (May 22 - 25). I will be visiting my aunt in Frankfurt for those days.

* - In German next Sunday and Monday are called Pfingsten and are an official holiday. My dictionary called it Whitsunday, but I don't have the slightest idea if that kind of holiday is even practiced in the English speaking world. Anyway, it's a long weekend for me here.

May. 16th, 2010


Ain't Ded...

I swear, I'm not dead! I've just been really taken with Real Life and needed a break from RPing.

BUT! I'm getting back to the game! I really need to catch up with everything that's been happening since I hiatused, and I need to work out some explanations for why my characters were quiet - Myre's easy, she was out in the mountains doing her dragon thing - but the other two...

And then I'll be tossing them back into the fray!

Yes! So...hi!

May. 15th, 2010


Trial Plotting Thread

Trial is up in a few days and I figured it might be a good idea to get a thread up specifically for plotting and organization and whatnot. Have at it!

May. 14th, 2010


Because I have no life and the entire soundtrack gets the muses in a tizzy...

I really, really want to write a/many CU songfics of the entire (or the singing ones, at least) soundtrack of Sweeney Todd (preferably Tim Burton's version, but I'll be happy to do the original version if it differs from the movie).

Cast list is as follows: (I'll be happy to make multiple versions, though!)

Sweeney Todd: Naoya
Mrs. Lovett: Yako
Judge Turpin: God (of course), though I'd be willing to change this one to another character.
Beadle: No ideaaaa. Jazz? IDK
Pirelli: Flauros
Toby: Reno?
Lucy: Devil Survivor's MC, same as Turpin, though.
Anthony: No idea. Jophiel?
Johanna: No idea. Tentatively Tohru.

♥ If you have a request, find someone else more fitting besides the main ones (unless it's a request), or need the songs that'll be in the series, please let me know~!

May. 9th, 2010


Hey everyone!

I'm new here. You can call me Miriah and I play the serial killer George Marks from Cold Case.

I've been mostly found on livejournal with the same username but I got a note from Lily-mun about your game so I decided to join up! I'm currently majoring in psychology with an emphasis in abnormal psychology and my hobbies include music, Batman comics, video games, anime, and long walks in the woods. No seriously on that last part, California has some great wildlife preserves. My time is Pacific Standard Time and um....I like gum? I'm sure I'll think of more later...Oh! You can ask me questions in the comments! That always helps!

Anywho, I'm looking forward to meeting you guys.

PS: Lily-mun, sorry I wasn't on last night...or tonight but Midterms are tomorrow and Thursday. So that means study guides for me (and Law and Order shhh!). I'll still be available for ij rping but I won't be on aim for a while.


Upcoming trial info!

Alrighty, it is finally time for Trial #3 to get underway!

The trial will last two in-game days, or from the 17th to the 24th of May in real world time. As always, logs do not need to follow the schedule too stringently (write when you can and finish whenever you finish) but that's the official schedule. So to be clear:

17th - First day of trial begins
21st - Second day of trial begins
25th - Character return to their regularly scheduled lives

This trial consists of an obstacle course that characters will need to find their way through in teams. There will be two teams; one for Asgard and one for Niflheim, and they will go through identical but separate courses. That is, the course they experience will be exactly the same no matter which team they are on, but the teams will not cross paths. The winner will be determined by a combination of how quickly they progress through the obstacles and how well they work together as a team.

The characters involved are as follows:



If your character is listed and has already been in a trial, or if you won't be able to play during this timeframe, please post so I can rearrange things!

For the duration of the trial, the teams will be stuck in their course. They will be provided a place to rest once they get through the obstacles for the day (details under the cut), but they will not be able to leave the area set up for them. They will have normal access to their journals, so they can communicate with the other team and/or people not involved in the trial as usual whenever they have time to do so. That way, characters not in the trial can still be involved in a sense.

More details )

That should cover it. I'll post up a log for each team at the beginning of each day for the main trial. Feel free to split into your own logs for whatever happens once they get to their apartment.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to comment here with them. This post can also be used for any plotting you wish to do.

Trial 3, ahoy!

P.S. New kids have been assigned rooms on the places of interest page. Take a look! If you don't like where I've put you for whatever reason, poke me and we'll figure something out. :)

May. 5th, 2010


About my unintended hiatus...

Sorry I have been silent for so long. I didn't want to vanish, but somehow I didn't get to type anything.

Anyway, I hope to get back into things again. And that fast!

May. 1st, 2010


A new character enters the fray

Dis here bringing in my latest character, and last OC. This is Christina; she is the daughter of Samael/Satan; is the last incarnation of Cain; can heal herself and self resurrect; has a violent temper sometimes; killed her half brother when she was 18; and her other half brother is the anti-Christ.

And she's on Asgard's side, because she thinks her father is a real asshole, and wants to stick it to him.

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