January 30th, 2009

[info]my_private_life in [info]chaosu_ooc

Totally Random Question Thing!

I posted this on my LJ, but since a lot of my Chaos friends are not on my LJ, I figured I'd ask over here....

Ah, anyone on Facebook? I just gone one myself, and I'd love to keep up with you guys, so if you're a member of the Facebook nation, mine is here: Fey's Facebook!

Apologies to those on my Flist who have to see this twice!

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

Dur-hur, Mod is Special


The new characters have been assigned to these rooms. Please check out the Places of Interest to see what they're like!

In Niflheim, Lucifer has assigned...
Yako to room 208
Reno to room 306
Both lack a roommate...for now!

In Asgard, Metatron has assigned...
Kamina to room 307; poor Henry gets his old roommate back! Is he going to paint the symbol of Gurren-Lagann on the door again, or did Henry never remove it...? (Wow, I can't remember!) xD!
L'Arachel to room 303; a new roommate for Tohru!
Raziel to room 205; a new roommate for Frank!
Rosa to room 102

Aaaand that's it!

Except apparently Myre was never given a room, or did I forget to add her to the list? Myre-player, could you let me know so I can fix this? D= If there's any other issues, pleaaaase bring them up with me so I can fix it~!

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc

More Updates!

Just to let everyone know, the Contact Information post has been edited with the new members and updated information. If anyone has information they want to add or change to the list, please let me know in a comment to that thread!

Also, Myre has finally been given a room! She now lives in the appropriately named Cave Room, next door to Jazz's garage.

[info]rascal_phoenix in [info]chaosu_ooc


Going on hiatus from February 4th to February 9th. Need break.