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[May. 20th, 2008|12:57 am]
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Where: An undisclosed location
When: Tuesday
Who: Bea, KD, Peter, Bob, and others.

He sighed once as he dialed the number. Everything was prepared and this was the last step before he could wash his hands of this entire business. This was not exactly what he had signed up for, but at least he could ensure that it had a somewhat happy ending. He dialed the number for a special agent Kieran Dagny Townsend. He had a voice modulator to disguise his voice.

"Special Agent Townsend? I have a message for you."
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[Apr. 30th, 2008|09:07 am]
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Who: Nick, Peter, Shiloh, Nick's parents
When: The morning after Bea's disappearance
Where: Nick's house and in transit

Ali, Marie, and Carole seemed to have come to some sort of truce regarding the kitchen, especially considering the number of people that needed to be fed this morning. Peter had barely slept, but coffee would fix that problem temporarily.

After they'd all eaten and showered, Peter glanced over at Nick. "You know, if you're going to camp out here for awhile, you might want to pick some things up. And I expect your parents would appreciate seeing you," he noted mildly. "Why don't I take you and Shiloh over, get you out of the house for a bit?"

Carole might appreciate that, too. Which he did not say aloud.
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[Apr. 23rd, 2008|10:27 am]
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Late Afternoon,
Wednesday, April 23rd 2008
Martin Luther King Memorial Library

It looked much better from the outside than in, this edifice of black steel and smoked glass. Leaky ceilings and broken elevators plague the readers moving listlessly around in the enforced hush. Designed in a less energy efficient age and treated with neglect, the library would cost more to put right than it would to pull down and build anew. At the height of summer, it's a pressure cooker, hot and close; even with spring cloud it's still rather warm. Not that Woody minds -- he's using his coat and jumper as a cushion because the chairs are all too low for him (or the tables too high). There are pens and paper on the table and he's reading a huge, illustrated, leather bound book that looks like it could weigh as much as himself. His headphones are on, despite the posted signs, but they make no noise. Why should they? They're not plugged in to anything.
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[Apr. 21st, 2008|07:51 pm]
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Who: Peter, Bob and K.D.
Where: K.D.'s office

Bob read the scrap of paper in his hand again as he checked the address. He looked at Peter before knocking firmly on the door. "We're here to see Agent Townsend." There were two names on the door. He thought over how he looked and wondered if he should have worn the collar instead of the dark polo shirt and jeans that were starting show the number of times they'd been through the wash. But he was here because of Macha, not Bea as one of his flock. It had felt... inappropriate.
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[Apr. 14th, 2008|06:25 pm]
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Who: Peter and Star
What: Phone call
When: The night of Macha's kidnapping

He leaned against the door to Shiloh's room. This was not something he wanted to do, not so soon after she'd regained her freedom. But it would have been done anyway, and it needed to happen now.

Cell phone. Her number was still (again? he couldn't remember) in the phone's memory. A push of a button, and a deep breath as the phone rang.
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[Apr. 11th, 2008|10:10 pm]
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Who: Shiloh, Peter, Alistair, Nick, Carole...
Where: The Winters house.

Shiloh was Not Pleased. Her sister had been supposed to meet her where they always met in order to go home together on the Metro. Bea was generally good about meeting her there and going home before going out again. She knew that she and Nick had arranged for a movie date that evening but that had been after dinner tonight. Muttering to herself, she called Nick. Something was not right.
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[Apr. 4th, 2008|11:58 pm]
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Who: Celtic deities
Where: The Wooden Spoon

Alistair whistled to himself as he put the final preparations on the room in the back. There was a special group tonight, coming into the restaurant. He was taking care of them personally. It was quite a coup for his restaurant, such a large group coming. Everything had to be just right.
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[Mar. 26th, 2008|12:45 pm]
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Who: Shiloh and Peter
Where: National Mall
When: Saturday

Shiloh'd been walking in the Mall again. She'd just finished touring the Holocaust Museum and the National Archives. She'd seen most of the Washington museums now and she'd enjoyed most of them. The Holocaust museum had just made her angry though. Such a waste, such a loss! She had to go out to the Mall to walk and try to clear her head before rejoining her sister and going home.

She looked over to where the humans walked briskly, hurrying back and forth to their occupations, busily running through the skeins of their lives. Just then she thought she saw a familiar face.
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[Mar. 18th, 2008|12:44 pm]
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Who: Peter & Star & Danielle (and whoever else makes sense)
Where: Star's parents' house, out in the D.C. suburbs
When: shortly after Star's return

Peter was bad at waiting. On the plus side, he was good with Danielle, which amazed him. Kids were not normally his thing - of course, kids were not normally born to two reborn gods, and that probably had something to do with it.

It was finally a reasonably sunny day for early spring, so they were out in the yard playing something that had its roots in tag, catch, tickle fights, and made-up rules that came out of Danielle's head.

Except for not knowing where Star was, he was even reasonably happy.
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[Feb. 14th, 2008|07:46 pm]
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Who: Peter and whoever
When: Lunchtime and afternoon of the 15th
Where: Various places, ending on the streets around bars, and in bars, most likely
What: Peter is in a mood after hearing about Star's kidnapping

He hadn't thought anything of it when Star didn't return his well-wishes call on Valentine's Day. Or rather, he had: he'd expected her to be out with her Raven-boy, or to have other plans. It was what she did, after all. He'd been a little - unnerved? - concerned, when her voicemail didn't seem to be working, but he pushed the niggling sense of unease down. Chalked it up to jealousy, really, and why not? It was a relative constant in his life, ever since fate had thrown them back together in the bookstore that day.

So it took until he read the paper on his way to work Friday morning for his hands to start shaking. Stars in her eyes, he remembered, and clenched the paper until it ripped. Peter's dress shoes clicked on the floors at Langley, ignoring the looks from the guards as he swiped his pass through the gates. He stalked the length of the halls to his office and put in a request for several files: the Mathesons, Seth Mallory, and Star - under the nominal guise of suspected terrorist activity. He didn't think he'd fooled his immediate boss, but he was ahead of schedule on the latest batch of analyses, and he intended to finish the latest batch. There was a late morning meeting to summarize his findings, and then he would head out.

His stomach churned as he stared into Star's entryway. Blood, possibly not hers. He'd had to flash his ID to get anywhere, but that had been expected. He made it clear that he didn't intend to take over the investigation unless it turned out to fall under his jurisdiction. Playing nice with the Metro made it more likely someone would let something slip.

Strangely enough, he wasn't so sure of his initial instinct after walking through her apartment. This didn't look personal, and Seth would be very personal with his former wife. Plus, he thought, Star probably would have gone with Seth willingly at first. And he was doubtful of David's motives. Which left Jonah Matheson, which certainly didn't make much sense... hold that thought. Peter flipped open his cell phone and grabbed the online copy of the Post. Senator Jonah Matheson In Hospital; Assailants Unknown.


Still furious, but his mind working now, Peter turned up his collar and paced through downtown D.C., considering where to stop and start drinking. Considering whether or not he should ask for a trace on Star's cell phone. Considering if he knew anyone - anyone at all - who could track her by more mystical means.

There was also a not-so-little corner of his brain that was planning just what he would do to whoever had done this. When he found them. After he made sure Star was safe. And that was another interesting thought: why hadn't Ishtar come forward and taken control of things yet? This would be a convenient time for it - which meant, of course, that it wouldn't happen. Maybe she was too drugged. Or unconscious. He wasn't letting himself think anything else. She would come back alive.

She would.
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