Slashing Stargate Atlantis
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telesilla [userpic]
You're Shining Down for Me by telesilla (John/Rodney, NC-17)

You're Shining Down For Me
Author: [info]telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: SGA, John/Rodney
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,644
Disclaimer: The SGA characters do not belong to me. Duh.
Summary: John knows what he wants; it's asking for it that's hard.

Notes: This came out of an exchange of comments between [info]ladycat777 and myself on the subject of John, Rodney and humiliation. It didn't end up going exactly the way she envisioned but then again, stories have minds of their own. Still, it's for her because she is awesome at inspiring kinkeh porns. Because I still seem to be stuck in the 80s, the title is from the Depeche Mode song "Just Can't Get Enough." As always, my thanks to [info]helens78 for her mad beta skillz. :)

"I did mention that I'm incredibly open-minded, didn't I?"

telesilla [userpic]
FIC: Putting Your Body (SGA/SG-1, Jack/John, NC-17)

Putting Your Body (wherever it seemed like a good idea)
Author: [info]telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: SGA/SG-1, Jack/John
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 730
Disclaimer: The SGA characters do not belong to me. Duh.
Summary: Like Rodney, John gets caught in the crossfire between Jack and Daniel.

Notes: A while back, [info]anatsuno asked for some Rodney/Daniel fic. I obliged with Imagine Me Behind Your Eyes, a Daniel/Rodney piece from Rodney's POV. [info]helens78 followed it with Forever Not Yours", a short Daniel POV piece set as the Atlantis Expedition was leaving the SGC in "Rising." In turn, I wrote this, which for some reason never made it out of the comments in ana's LJ and into either of my journals or my site. It actually takes place in between "Imagine Me" and "Forever Not Yours."

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you."

telesilla [userpic]
So Very Wrong (but so very good), (John/Doppel!Shep, John/Doppel!Shep/Rodney, NC-17)

So Very Wrong (but so very good)
Author: [info]telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: SGA, John/Doppel!Shep/ & John/Doppel!Shep/Rodney
Rating: NC-17 (sorta semi-con)
Word Count: 1,105
Disclaimer: The SGA characters do not belong to me. Duh.
Summary: After the events of Doppelganger Rodney has new fantasy material.

Notes: This started life as two pieces of comment fic in [info]girly_curl_3's LJ. She wanted John/Doppel!Shep action and I figured that Rodney probably did too. :) I'm not really sure where this falls on the consentuality scale since it's all a fantasy and not really happening.

When Rodney fantasizes about the two Johns fucking, he sees the doppelganger--Sheppard--on top.

FIC (Repost, sorta) Perchance to Dream (John/Rodney, hard R)

Now that the episode has aired, I can put this puppy up on the website and broadcast it!

Perchance to Dream
by MrsHamill

Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For episode 404, Doppleganger
Summary: Why weren't there any hot girls in Sheppard's dreams?
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat
Notes: [info]mecurtin wanted bed!fic and [info]amireal wanted comment fic about Doppelganger so I did my best!

* * *

To da fic!

Current Mood: accomplished
telesilla [userpic]
Blood Makes Noise by telesilla (au, rated G)

Blood Makes Noise
Author: [info]telesilla
Fandom/Pairing: SGA AU (Ventura Highway), John/Rodney
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,188
Disclaimer: The SGA characters do not belong to me. Duh.
Summary: John's having a bad day and Rodney's not sure what to say or do.

Notes: Detailed notes are after the fic. All of the Ventura Highway stories are here in chronological order.

"I'm not asking you to turn me into your shrink or anything, because...well, can you imagine?"

seleneheart [userpic]
Fanfic Rec

Rebuilding Babel by the_drifter.

This fic is an unusual premise . . . that Rodney's brain is damaged by a toxin, to the point that he can no longer speak coherently. Imagine Rodney unable to talk!! His salvation turns out to be Sheppard, who's the one who can best understand him.

It has Ronon snorting mashed potatoes, alien religious rituals, an overloading ZPM, and Charlie Chaplin movies as a way of communicating.

(Personally, there's so many fics in this 'verse, that I could never read all the ones that pop up on my flist each day. So recs are very important to me. Hope they're valuable for you, too.)

New fic, carrying spoilers for Doppleganger (John/Rodney, NC-17)

This originally started out as comment fic in [info]amireal's LJ but grew into what is pretty much a first time PWP. It's not only based on the events in episode 4x04, Doppleganger, it has a good chunk of the last ten minutes incorporated into it! The headers are under the cut and it's only on my site through direct link (below). Once the episode airs, I'll 're-post' it and make sure it's on my page.

Under here are the headers, which might be considered a teeny bit spoilery. )

Current Mood: tired
telesilla [userpic]
Rec/Review: Intersections by Kaneko

Intersections, SGA slash (John/Rodney) by Kaneko

I'd gone ahead and written up a review of this fic for another comm before I realized they did things a little differently. I'd also promised a while back to rec/review some fic for this comm. I know someone already did some John/Rodney stuff and I will do some other pairings, but since I had this already written out, I thought I might as well post it here.

Intersections and why you should read it )

Fic: Charmed by MrsHamill (PG, John/Rodney)

by MrsHamill (

Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: PG, really. Sorry, no sex.
Spoilers: Takes place sometime in late season three, after Sunday, and contains references to episodes in the third season.
Summary: Rodney asks John for charm lessons. Wackiness ensues.
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat.
Notes: The measurement of the speed of McKay's mouth must be attributed to Diana Williams. Susan and Linaerys whupped this puppy into shape for me; but any mistakes left are mine, all mine. The thoughts expressed by John on Supernatural do not necessarily reflect those of the author. Honest. Shut up, Onci.

* * *

It's here...

Current Mood: cheerful
Lilith [userpic]
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

OK, no lions or bears, but Lady Ra's Wraith Killers is a wonderful read about a kitten that Sheppard brings home to McKay, and that turns out to be lots more than they bargained for. Jack and Daniel play a big part too, and Ronon is fantastic. Go! Read! Now!

New crack!fic: Even the Queen by MrsHamill

Even the Queen
by MrsHamill (

Pairing: Kinda gen-ish
Rating: F for Females only; I really don't want men reading this, just in case
Spoilers: Takes place after the events of Sunday in the third season
Summary: It's... that time...
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat.
Notes: Just a little crackfic that came out of some idle speculation. Inspired by Connie Willis' story of the same name. As Liz pointed out in her quickie beta, this is something of a biological improbability, but it's still amusing to poke fun at the Poor, Clueless Guys of Atlantis.

* * *

It's here...

Current Mood: silly
Atlantis Club: Fantasy in Stereo (NC-17)

Hello! *waves hand timidly*

Um, had hoped to have this little story done at the beginning of the month for the whole porn thing but alas RL didn't allow it. It's actually the sixth of a series, the rest are at my journal (friend-locked at the moment, but if anyone is interested...), Area 52 or my website.

Title: Fantasy in Stereo
Author: lds
Beta: Kerensa, all remaining errors are proudly mine.
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Rodney McKay/??
100 Moods: 066 Naughty
10/Genre: Table 12/07 Kink
Word Count: ~800
Warnings/Spoilers: Here there be Slash
Disclaimer: I own everything! No wait. I own nothing, MGM et al own everything, damn it! In fact given the amount of Stargate stuff I own, they have a serious chunk of what little money I did have at one point.
Summary/Author's Notes: A party, a dance, sex. I swore I was only writing one more from the series, this wasn't the one more.

The story, if you are interested...

*runs and hides*

Current Mood: pessimistic
FIC: Prodigal Sails (John/Rodney, rated everyone)

Prodigal Sails
by MrsHamill (

Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Spoilers: None
Rating: everyone
Summary: No bang today, bang tomorrow. Always bang tomorrow.
Disclaimer: Please enter standard useless boilerplate disclaimer of all intent to damage here.
Warning: Never say 'bite me' to a cat.
Series: Sequel to And All the Seas
Notes: Thanks to Susan and Celtic Tigress for the beta work. All mistakes are mine. Someday, I just might write the middle of these two stories, but that day is not to be soon.

* * *

Link to my site

Current Mood: accomplished
seleneheart [userpic]
Another Rec

Read this fic, now. Written by the Victors

It is long, I'll warn you, but it is amazing . . . a love story between John and Rodney, a political analysis, a historical record. It has brilliant glimpses of SG1 doing what they do best, it has Wraiths, and Pegasus natives, and a living Atlantis that loves Shep dearly, and I could go on and on. It's fucking brilliant and makes me jealous. It made me laugh and cry and want to cheer.

I've stayed up reading it because I couldn't turn away from it.

seleneheart [userpic]
Walk into the Sea (4/8)

Title: Walk into the Sea, Part Four
Author: [info]seleneheart
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing: John/Rodney, John/Ronon, Lorne/Parrish
Rating: overall NC-17, this part PG-13
Summary: Death in the Pegasus Galaxy affects John in unexpected ways and in spite of his fears, he finds that some risks are worth taking
Word count: total ~16,000, this part 1,832
Warnings: spoilers through the end of season 3
Beta: [info]lilithilien and [info]muck_a_luck
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, not for profit
Feedback: Yes!
Author's Note: I play with the time line between Sunday and First Strike. This is the fic that is known as the fic that couldn't decide on a pairing. And the fic that kept growing. It's not a WIP; it's done and has been betaed. It is too long to read in one sitting however, so I'll post a chapter every few days. Title from a poem by Ari Anna Arena

Previous Chapters

Walk into the Sea )

A Seal Upon

Title: A Seal Upon
Author: [info]watersword & [info]ceria
Fandom/Pairing: Stargate: Atlantis (Rodney McKay/John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan/Ronon Dex)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3, 500
Summary: Set me as a seal upon thy heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is as strong as death. ~Song of Solomon 8:6
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper, various studios including but not limited to MGM Television and The Sci-Fi Channel. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Notes: Written for [info]bbtp_challenge.

A Seal Upon

Fic: Not So Different, Jack/Ianto/John/Rodney

Chapter Title: Not So Different
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo
Pairing: Jack/Ianto/John/Rodney
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Xover fic, purely cracksmut foursome. SGA/Torchwood
Summary: "Wait. You're telling me you have a pterodactyl living in your base?"
A/N: I said it's total cracksmut and it is. ;) Short little piece to distract [info]lilithilien one day. Just because....the four of them would be so pretty ;) Posted for BBtP, sharing here.

Not So Different

Current Music: DW OST on repeat
Mirabile Dictu [userpic]
possibly i like the thrill (John/Rodney; NC-17)

Title: possibly i like the thrill
Author: Mirabile Dictu
Fandom/Pairing: SGA: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,560
Summary: John loves that Rodney loves watching him.

Written for the Bring Back the Porn challenge.

possibly i like the thrill

seleneheart [userpic]
Fic: Androcles and the Lion

Title: Androcles and the Lion
Author: [info]seleneheart
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Pairings: Beckett/Dex
Word count: 648
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, not for profit
Summary: Carson tames the lion
Notes: Inspired by Sheppard's analogy in Runner, for Bring Back the Porn day.

Androcles and the Lion )

Lilith [userpic]
Drabble: Attention (John/Rodney)

A drabble dedicated to [info]seleneheart, who shared one of Einstein's best observations: "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves."

Attention )

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