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Jul. 6th, 2011


Who: Alice, Mesmero
What: Breaking and Entering to buy food
When: A hazy and muggy June night
Where: skirting the border of Harlem
Rating/Warnings: PG for now, but subject to change based on who tags in, I think. :)
Status: Open, it's about time I got my OC on

Emitting Rads for Profit )

Jul. 1st, 2011


Charles and Vincent Meet For Tea

Who: Vincent and Charles
What: While Vincent waits for Lorna, Charles brings tea and scones to him. The two speak of the Brotherhood and old matters.
When: End of May 1963
Where: Grounds and main halls of Xavier Institute
Rating/Warnings: None, really.
Status: Complete; this occurs late in Emma's talk with Hank and before Vincent meets with Lorna. Note, this is the end of May. We are NOT doing the day by day matching thing for in-game posts!. This post is important as it provides some historical context on the game through now, and on Charles and Vincent as characters.

(*Wake up, Vincent. We need to talk.*)

Vincent was startled and woke up with a jerk. For a few seconds, he was not sure where he was. Then he remembered. He was waiting for Lorna, and had fallen asleep. He had, as usual, been too busy to get much sleep lately, and with the window rolled down a bit the cool breeze of the day had been perfect...

He looked to the side, and saw Charles wheeling up to the car. "Hey, Charles. You do realize that your mind voice grates like a vegetable peeler."

Tea and scones! You fox, you! )

May. 22nd, 2011


Who: Cecilia Reyes and ...
What: An opportunity for open interaction Just another Sunday.
When: Afternoon, Sunday, May 22
Where: A currently unnamed clinic for mutants in Brooklyn
Status: OPEN, incomplete.

When Cecilia was growing up, Sundays in the Reyes home had always been special. A mass that felt interminable (and the feeling never waned; in fact, Cecilia often thought that church services became longer as she got older) followed by a quick jaunt to the market, where her father, gracious as ever, allowed the children to pick up a sweet of their choice while her mother shopped. Relatives would arrive later, bearing food of their own and offering to help Enid with the pernil--though the help tended to devolve into careful criticism and endless neighborhood gossip--while the children played in neighborhood streets. Before they left the island, her uncle would always remind her later that evening, family gatherings like these had been commonplace. But for Cecilia, gatherings came on Sundays, and those days were marked as distinguished.

These days, though, Sundays were marked by the coming and going of clinic patients that covered a spectrum of injuries and an even more varied range of injuries. Normally, she at least felt fulfilled. Medicine was, after all, God's work, and it seemed appropriate to spend a Sunday in Brooklyn healing. But it was days like today--slow days, where the clinic was mostly empty--that made her yearn for a family gathering.

Cecilia heard the ringing of a bell in the front, and she stood from her desk chair. "One minute," she called before donning her white coat and stethoscope.

May. 6th, 2011


What: Vincent (as Roy "Vin" Tam) and Cecilia Reyes meet during the last morning of her surgical residency
When: December 20, 1962 (important backstory!)
Where: Our Mother of Mercy Hospital, N.Y.C.
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Closed, complete. Apologies for length?

Vin waited patiently for Dr. Reyes to appear. She would by now have exhausted all her means to stay on the ward. She had finished her last surgery, and was scheduled for no more. She had performed her rounds, had had her two exit interviews. And her curiosity had been tweaked. Who was the mystery man, Vin Tam, who had supported her through her last two years of medical school, and given her those gifts at strategic moments of her surgical residency.

He grinned. Only the Shadow knows.

The day of asking had come )

Apr. 24th, 2011


Who: Vincent and Charles and Scott
What: The mysterious Vincent arrives to make Charles an 'offer he may not want to refuse', and to discuss Erik
When: April 18, 1963, 2pm EST
Where: Xavier Institute, Main Floor Hall and Charles' Study
Rating/Warnings: Light language and heavy drama
Status: Closed, complete

Vincent sat in the rental car, at the gate, fuming. He knew Charles had received his telegram, sent last night from Washington, DC. But he had not stayed to get a response, had driven much of the night to get here this morning. And he had stopped to assess the situation here. No, Magneto was not here. Without a lot of support, he could not affect Magneto much, anyway, but he could still sense his electromagnetic signature from a mile away, even without electrical augmentation. And Erik was definitely not here, unless he was in the shielded part of the underground base.

"Come on, kid, let me in."

At least he LIKES you. Me, he'll probably have for lunch. )