29th Aug, 2009


Placeholder for the Avery-Mulciber wedding! Will be put up when I have slept and have a spare moment to breathe.

12th Aug, 2009


Package for Madeline Mulciber )

Package for Christian Avery )

27th Jul, 2009


Owl to Evangeline Yaxley )

22nd Jul, 2009


placeholder for rabbit/christian quidditch things!

21st Jul, 2009


Flurry of Owls!

Owls to Orsino & Lavinia Avery, Regulus Black & Guest, Amelia Bones & Guest, Alecto Carrow & Guest, Simon Gibbon & Guest, Beatrice Greengrass & Guest, Henry & Alexandra Greengrass, Rosalind Jugson, Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus & Bellatrix Lestrange, Walden Macnair & Guest, Abraxas & Priscilla Malfoy, Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy, Andrew Mulciber & Guest, Roman & Ophelia Mulciber, Geoffrey Nott & Guest, Bryant & Davina Parkinson, Augustus Rookwood, Florence Rosier, Thorfinn Rowle & Guest, Severus Snape & Guest, Isobel Vullen, Daniel Wilkes & Guest, Leoben & Evangeline Yaxley )

6th Jul, 2009


Who: Christian Avery and Evangeline Yaxley.
When: Monday afternoon.
Where: The pet shop!
What: Buying Maddy her first puppy, cue the "AW"s.
Rating: PG, pretty sure.
Status: Completed log.

Come let us go inside and you can tell me just what sort of puppy you were hoping to purchase for my dear Maddy. )

26th Jun, 2009



12th Jun, 2009


The Black & Malfoy Wedding

What: The Black and Malfoy Wedding
Where: Leeds Castle in Kent
When: Satuday the 13th of June, beginning in the afternoon, posted one day early
Who: Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy, all of their family, friends, and assorted dates
Rating: PG13? E for Extravagant? L for Looooooove?
Status: OOC Log, in progress

Warning, Image Heavy )

8th Jun, 2009


AOM Aftermath

Who: Order, Death Eaters & MoM Folks
What: The aftermath of AOM
When: 7 June to the 8 June
Where: Dig's Place, Lestrange Manor and Hogsmeade, respectively
Rating: N/A
Status: OOC/IC log

One | 1st Patronus | Two | 2nd Patronus | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Aftermath

Each particular part has a section heading in a comment with applicable details (including a summary of injuries for the serious kids who are unconscious). Please reply with what your character did once Dumbledore showed up, and then afterward!

7th Jun, 2009


AOM - Part Nine!

Who: Order VERSUS the Death Eaters
When: 7 June, evening
Where: Hogsmeade
Rating: R-ish
Status: Completed log, multiple posts!

One | 1st Patronus | Two | 2nd Patronus | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Aftermath

Dragons and pinwheels exploded in the sky above the battle, a rather ironic celebratory sight that Rodolphus couldn't help but grin at under his mask. )


AOM - Part Seven!

Who: Order VERSUS the Death Eaters
When: 7 June, evening
Where: Hogsmeade
Rating: R-ish
Status: Completed log, multiple posts!

One | 1st Patronus | Two | 2nd Patronus | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Aftermath

Muted. That was rather nice, she thought idly as her eyes fluttered closed and she slipped into unconsciousness. )

30th May, 2009


Who: All Death Eaters
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Lestrange Manor grounds
What: Duelling practice
Rating: I'm guessing violence and profanity
Status: OOC/IC log (If you want to thread out individual duels in the comments, have at it, or just comment with what your character did/said/etc.)

Do try not to bleed out on the grass )

26th May, 2009


Who: Christian Avery.
When: Late Monday evening/early Tuesday morning.
Where: Hortense's flat.
What: Christian completes a little assignment in order to pay back his debt.
Rating: R, just to be safe? For violence and death.
Status: Complete.

Make it look like an accident, Rodolphus had said. )

12th May, 2009


Owl to Rodolphus Lestrange )

October 2009




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