May 6th, 2008

[info]guiltyred in [info]80sficpicalooza

Laugh While You Can, Monkeyboy! TAoBBAt8thD (Banzai/John Worfin)

Title: Laugh While You Can, Monkeyboy!
Prompt: May 4
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, Banzai/John Worfin: Torture/BDSM – Shall we say ‘a penny for your thruster’?
Author: GuiltyRed
Rating: R
Warnings: crack
Word count: 350-ish (Worfinisms are tricky)
Summary: Buckaroo discovers the real use for a Shock Tower.
A/N: Sorry this is late! With IJ going through its growth spurt this weekend I wanted to wait it out and make sure the post took. Then, of course, I forgot to write today’s prompt…  ^^;;;  (Also, continued here.)

[info]guiltyred in [info]80sficpicalooza

Damn John Worfin and the Horse He Rode In On! TAoBBAt8thD (John Bigboote/John Worfin)

Title: Damn John Worfin and the Horse He Rode In On!
Prompt: May 5 – The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, John Bigboote/John Worfin: BDSM – Damn John Worfin and the horse he road in on.
Author: GuiltyRed
Rating: R
Warnings: crack
Word count: 140-ish (again, Worfinisms are tricky)
Summary: A Bigbooty moment.
A/N: Sorry this one is late too! Yadda yadda...  (Also, continued from here.)

[info]guiltyred in [info]80sficpicalooza

A Stranger’s Hand, TAoBBAt8thD (Banzai/Perfect Tommy)

Title: A Stranger’s Hand
Prompt: May 6 – The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, Banzai/Perfect Tommy: Masturbation – Because you’re perfect.
Author: GuiltyRed
Rating: NC17
Warnings: total pwp
Word count: 841
Summary: Buckaroo takes in a show.
A/N: You wouldn’t believe how hard it was to repeatedly type “Perfect” with an “f”…