May 4th, 2008

[info]lttledvl in [info]80sficpicalooza

Alone in the Dark, The A-Team (Murdock/BA)

Title: Alone in the Dark
Author/Artist: LttleDvl
Pairing: Murdock/BA
Rating: G
Prompt: Trapped together in the dark – Shut up, fool!
Word count: 1219
Summary: BA and Murdock wind up stuck together after getting themselves caught...
A/N: Non-slashy, non-kinky. Sorry guys. The plot bunnies wanted angst for this one. ;p And kudos for you if you get the title reference. *g*

“I don’t want to get trapped in the dark again.” )

[info]queenoftheskies in [info]80sficpicalooza

By Your Command, Thundercats (Lion-O/Tygra)

Title: By Your Command
Author: [info]queenoftheskies
Rating: R
Warnings: m/m, blowjob
Word count: 369
Summary: Lion-O takes Tygra.
Prompt: Thundercats, Lion-O/Tygra: Master/Slave – Play this game tonight.
A/N: None

By Your Command )