The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, March 14th, 2009
Who: Jeremy and Griffith
Where: Jeremy's room
When: Backdated to yesterday after school.
What: Griffith tries to be social and has some kind of success.

I'll see you Saturday then? In the afternoon? )

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Who: Claudia Lloyd and Charlie Brandon
When: After school. Backdated to yesterday.
Where: School library
What: Charlie attempts to make nice and Claudia blows him off. This is the reason why Charlie wrote this entry.

Talking to you is like having my period. )

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Salut, enfants!

It's exciting to be on Spring Break, isn't it? Especially if you are going to be traveling somewhere. Everyone should leave the country at least once in their lives, you know, especially when they are young before they become too old and jaded to benefit properly from an excursion!

Of course all of that is a prelude to those of you who have decided to join Monsieur Wright and Father Kennet to Canada for six days. The bus will be leaving at nine am sharp on Monday morning from the front of the school! When you board the bus the driver will stow your luggage and you will need to show me your passport or passport card so I can make sure everyone has them!

Monday we're visiting the Granby Zoo and then going to Montreal.

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Who ? Keegan and Mateo Holt
Where ? Car between NYC and home
When ? Saturday evening
What ? A pleasant drive home from a not so pleasant evening

I'm rolling and rolling around in my mind )

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9:39p - Thread: Alex and open to 21+
Who: Alex, Daniel, Hannon, open
Where: Alex's apartment, North Conway
When: Friday night, backdated
What: Housewarming/New Job/Poker party!

Let the party begin! )

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