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Friday, December 19th, 2008
Left outside Baja’s door )

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Who: Roran & Micah
When: December 19, afternoon.
Where: Stargate, rec room
What: Roran's antsy to get out and go on a mission, but since there's time to waste, he's taking it out on a first-person shooter.

They were stopping him from killing things. )

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6:26p - Left for Gabe

current mood: accomplished

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8:25p - Stargate: Thread: Winnie & Adam
Who: [info]tinkerhell  & [info]8bit_adam 
When: December 19th, Night
Where: Stargate / Adam's Room
What: Christmas Cheer... or something.

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Who: Gabe and Baja
When: December 19th. Evening/night
Where: Baja’s room
What: Movie night and probably lots of snuggling.
cold night, warm snuggling )

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9:22p - Thread: Koty, Eddie & Braylen
Who: Koty Rayne, Eddie Flynn and Braylen King (with appearance by Dameon Wilder).
When: December 19. Evening.
Where: Koty's Room.
What: Sleepover! Of the G-rated variety. Well, aside from their potty mouths.

Okay, what movie should we watch first? )

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11:15p - Thread: Technopaths
Who: Zener Technopaths
When: Dec. 19th, 1900 Hours
Where: Computer Lab
What: Technopath LAN party.

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