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Thursday, December 18th, 2008
12:24a - Thread: Krys and Lexi
Who: Krys and Lexi
When: December 17th, Night
Where: Lexi's Room
What: Hanging out. Boredom. Etc.

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8:09a - Thread: Paige, Ronald & Bruce
Who: Paige Song, Ronald Welsh, & Bruce Fforde
When: Dec. 18th, Morning
Where: Zener Hallway
What: Paige sees Ronald who's with Bruce!

She carried around the gift bag with her...just in case. )

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11:12a - Thread: Gretchen & Any
Who: Gretchen Gallo & Anyone
When: Dec. 18th, Early Afternoon
Where: Rec Room
What: Christmas Cards & Curses

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11:46a - jayne

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3:40p - Thread: Brea and Open

Who: Brea and Anyone!
When: December 18th
Where: In the hallway near his room
What: Attempting to wrap gifts.

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4:54p - Thread: Zener School Winter Semi-Formal
Who: Everyone who's going to the Winter Semi-Formal.
Where: School; Gym.
When: December 18. 7-11pm.
What: Winter/Christmas semi-formal dance!

Walking in a Winter Wonderland )

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Who: Parker & Open
When: December 18, evening.
Where: The mall
What: Parker is actually trying to Christmas shop.

He found the strangest thing humorous. )

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Who: Clark & Krys
When: December 18, evening.
Where: Zener School, outside
What: The mandatory exile during school function

Why hello there, old friend. )

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6:30p - Thread: Iggy & Rye
Who: Iggy Sullivan and Rye Redwood.
When: Decembr 18. Afternoon, after classes.
Where: School; Their dorm room.
What: A little roommate interaction.

Well aren't you a ray of sunshine )

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Left for RJ on his desk )

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Left for Oona. )

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10:22p - Thread: Walter Avery and Rye Redwood
Who: Walter and Rye
When: December 18th, During the middle to end of the dance
Where: The hallways leading to the gym
What: Stealing food - Accomplices?

Stealthy... like ninja! )

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11:49p - Log: Baja and Gabe
Who: Baja and Gabe (With an appearance by Brea!)
When: December 18th, Towards the end hours of the dance
Where: Rec Room
What: Heart to heart talks, revelations, brotherly panic, teenage angst. The works!
Note: This got REALLY long. Consider yourselves warned. Oh, and some teenage interaction that goes past hugging standpoint. :)

Here for you. )

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11:56p - Thread: Braylen & O
Who: Braylen King and O-Yone Ito.
When: Dcember 18. Evening.
Where: Base; O's room.
What: Braylen comes to drop off his key from fish feeding.

You here? )

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