The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, December 20th, 2008
Who: Liz & Oona
When: Dec 20th.
Where: Their room, then the car to go home
What: Liz forgot to pack! And the girls are going home
Where are those pants?!? )

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Left for Yes and Gabe in the Gym )

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Left for the Drama Club )

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Who ? Dimitri and Colin
Where ? Colin's rom
When ? Saturday evening
What ? Dimitri goes to visit before he leaves for the holidays

Yeah, here we go for the hundredth time )

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8:10p - Thread: Tory & Vaughan
Who: Tory Gnosis and Vaughan.
When: December 20. Evening.
Where: School; Vaughan's room.
What: Tory is sad because he's going home for the holidays and doesn't want to leave Vaughan.

He didn't want to go for a week and a half without seeing Vaughan! )

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Who ? O and Aries
When ? Late at night, after Coin and Aries go shopping
Where ? Aries' room
What ? Taking care of business

This lady over here, she's taking care of business! )

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10:42p - Thread: Rye - Open
Who: Rye Redwood & Open
When: December 20; 11 pm
Where: School; Rec Room
What: Rye's bored already, first night at school alone for Christmas

Hopefully he won't loose the ball... )

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