The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008
Who ? Finn (narrative)
Where ? Woods and Town and Out of Town and Base :D
When ? Tuesday evening
What ? Finn ties up some loose ends for Mr. Smith

Nobody knows you, and Nobody gives a damn anyway )

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shhh )

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Who: Evan & Nando
When: December 17, early afternoon.
Where: Evan's car, department store
What: They both need to get stuff! Possibly for people! And to get the stink blown off them!

He wasn't used to carrying a wallet )

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Who ? O and Koty
Where ? Car to Base
When ? Early Wednesday Morning
What ? O needs a ride home from hunting.

This is not me, this is not me. )

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12:30p - Thread: Nova, Kirsten
Who: [info]watergirl & [info]rocketshipgirl
When: December 17 / Lunch
Where: Zener, Kirsten's Room
What: Nova returns and goes straight to see Kirsten to get healed.

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Who ? Dimitri and Colin
Where ? Colin's office then to lunch?
When ? Wednesday afternoon
What ? General getting together-ness and information sharing

Nothing you have said is revelation )

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2:50p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ashley and Ryder Falkland.
When: December 17. Afternoon.
Where: School. Their room.
What: Finally back at the school. Goring on food and enjoying all of their things again. Home sweet home.

Food, glorious food )

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8:31p - delivered to paige song!
left on her desk in english. )

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Who: Ronald Welsh and Bruce Fforde.
When: The night they were rescued.
Where: Hospital. Bruce's ward.
What: Ronald has one suprising question. They talk a little.

I liked the crayons. )

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Who: Ronald Welsh and Bruce Fforde and Jenna
When: The day after the hospital stay
Where: Jenna's room.
What: Bruce goes to see Jenna and brings Ronald and pigeons.

Back )

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10:19p - Thread: Nova and Seth
Who: Nova & Seth
When: December 17. Late night.
Where: Seth & Cooper's Room
What: Not sleeping alone.

too quiet )

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11:42p - Thread: Gabe & Baja
Who: Gabe & Baja
When: December 17th, evening
Where: Baja’s room
What: They had to talk
Well this is uncomfortable )

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