The Zener School for the Mind

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Tuesday, December 9th, 2008
1:57a - Thread: Minnie and OPEN
Who: Minnie and ANY!
When: December 9th, During the day
Where: Library
What: Trying to brush up on math. And maybe some other stuff.

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10:08p - Log: Clark & Gav
Who: Gav Reyes and Clark Rogers.
When: November 9. Evening.
Where: School; Clark's Room.
What: Gav goes to visit Clark. Camping, math and movies are discussed. And Clark offering for Gav to touch him and learn all about him. The latter just slips out.

They breed us tough in the big city. )

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Who ? Vaughan and Mr. Wright
Where ? Classroom
When ? Inbetween classes
What ? keeping Colin in the loop.

I'll be true, I'll be useful, I'll be cavalier. )

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