The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, December 8th, 2008
Who ? Vaughan and Tory
Where ? Outside the school
When ? Early Monday morning
What ? Vaughan's practical joke

And it's true that the clouds just hung around like black Cadillacs outside a funeral )

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11:46a - Thread: Paige & Open
Who: Paige Song & ________
When: Dec. 8th, 11:30 ish
Where: Rec room
What: Listening to music and then watching Sponge Bob.

Help me, help you. )

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12:48p - Thread: RUFUS and GIZMO... er... Bristol.
Who: Rufus & Bristol
When: December 8th ↠ Afternoon
Where: Fourth Floor ↠ Adult dorms
What: One guy, a cat, and a girl with pink hair.

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1:24p - Thread: Grayer & Will
Who: Grayer Valentine and Will Piper.
When: December 8. After school.
Where: Car --> Mall.
What: Will has offered to take Grayer Christmas shopping.

Sometimes, just thinking was tiring )

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4:21p - Thread: Andy & Emily
Who: Andy Freeland & Emily Bell
When: Dec. 8th, Afternoon
Where: Emily's Room
What: Andy got acceptance letters from a colleges.

Don't go. )

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Who: Kiku and Charlie
What: Charlie goes to see Kiku to keep her warm. They talk about his fight with Jenna, he tells her about the Web. Fight.
When: A few hours after this. And yes it is backdated to the same day.
Where: Kiku's room.

Your girlfriend has the right to freak out if all your friends know what happened exactly the night the two of you had sex. )

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Who: Garret and Coin
When: The morning of this. And yes, also backdated.
Where: Grocery store. Home of the Giant inflated Santa.
What: Nice people meet and make friends.
Note: To be continued in comments. Will they ever get their Honey dipped chicken?!

Herein lies really lame made up names for detergent. )

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Who: Justin Montgomery-Andrews and Avery Six
When: Monday after school.
Where: Outside the teacher's room.
What: Justin is is two minds over something (narrative)

Which teacher )

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10:22p - Thread: Baja and Kiku
Who: Baja and Kiku
When: (Backdated) Saturday Night
Where: Their Room
What: Girl Talk!

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Who: Kiku Miyagi and Charlie Brandon
When: Monday December 8th
Where: Kiku’s room
What: Kiku and Charlie talk after their argument and the week of silence.
Do you really have any idea how important you are to me? Any concept at all of how much I love you? )

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