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Wednesday, December 10th, 2008
Who ? Eddie and Anthony
Where ? Anthony's room
When ? Tuesday night
What ? Anthony has a favor to ask

But, oh, what can I say? )

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1:07p - Thread: Killian & Koty
Who: Killian and Koty.
When: December 10. Afternoon.
Where: Base; Gym.
What: Koty takes Killian to the gym for some exercise.

Koty felt a bit like he was a prison warden or something like that, escorting a prisoner to the 'yard' for exercise time )

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5:52p - Log: Nando & Cree
Who: Cree Slavin and Nando.
When: Dec 10, evening.
Where: Base; Cree's room.
What: Eating cookies, talking about dragons and snuggling.

Like two peas in a pod )

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Who: Brendan and Six
When: Tuesday after school
Where: Gardens
What: Six tries to reach out to Brendan.
Notes: Nick, we never actually confirmed if this is done so if you like we can continue in comments. If not, it's done :P
Also, choppy log. It's probably hard to understand.

I thought maybe it'd be better for you to make human friends. We're complicated but we tend to last longer. )

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Who: Isaiah Deaver and Open (Or narrative whichever)
When: Tuesday evening.
Where: Outside. Benches.
What: Isaiah goes through the Dartmouth website. Which frankly, he should have done in the first place.

Backfire. It was the word of the week. )

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