The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008
10:15a - Thread: Duncan & Open
Who: Duncan St. John & Open
When: Dec. 3rd, Morning
Where: Zener, Library
What: Reading the dictionary. No, really.

You should always start at the beginning. )

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10:26a - Thread: Will & Grayer
Who: Will Piper & Grayer Valentine
When: Dec. 3rd, Early Afternoon
Where: Art Classroom
What: Making a paper mache battlefield!

Glue, newspaper, cardboard and patience. )

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Who: River Simmon, Justin Montgomery-Andrews, Clair Montgomery-Andrews.
When: Wednesday. Late afternoon to early evening
Where: Girl's dorm to outside.
What: Fight. It was coming.
Notes: Rated for cursing.

Angry boys )

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9:45p - Thread: Brea and Verona
Who: Brea and Verona
When: December 3rd, Evening
Where: Brea's Room
What: Presents, Questions, and General Cuteness.

Ta-Da! )

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11:10p - Log: Roxy & Maddox
Who: Maddox Ripley and Roxy Smith.
When: December 3.
Where: School; Hallway.
What: Talking and making BLTs.

You want yours really toasted, lightly toasted... barely toasted? )

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11:24p - Thread: Alexis & Krys
Who: Alexis Anderson & Krys Tallis
When: Wednesday Dec. 3rd. Evening
Where: Zener, school work out rooms
What: Lexi and Krys run in to each other yet again.
I could totally take you down )

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11:58p - Thread: Cree & Dr. Bishop
Who: Cree (mostly as Ethan) and Dr. Bishop (and Gunner, of course).
When: December 3. Evening.
Where: Base; Medlab.
What: The Doctor wants to speak to Ethan.

Testing time )

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