The Zener School for the Mind

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008
Who: Daniel Kennet & Colin Wright
Where: English Classroom
When: last Tuesday afternoon
What: seeing his old teacher

He would always be Mr. Wright, not Colin )

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6:23p - Thread: Trevor, Mercy & Maverick
Who: Trevor O'Shea, Mercy Wilde, & Maverick Locke
When: Dec. 2nd, 7:00 PM
Where: Outside, Parking Lot
What: Mav told Trev to bring Mercy and meet him. So he did.

He made her hurry to see something that could be interpreted as the 'other' woman. )

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10:55p - Thread: River & Clair
Who: River Simmon & Clair Montgomery-Andrews
When: Dec. 2nd. Late afternoon/early evening
Where: Student Dorms
What: River goes to find out why Clair didn’t come find him.
Welcome home )

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11:54p - Log: Jenna & Charlie
Who: Jenna Lewis and Charlie Brandon.
When: December 2nd. Evening.
Where: School; Hallway.
What: Jenna tries to patch things up with her friends - now up? Charlie. But it does not go as planned.

I was looking for that book )

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