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Thursday, December 4th, 2008
12:04p - Thread: Project Stargate: Owen & Open
Who: Owen Donnelly & _________
When: Thursday . Dec. 4th. Early Afternoon.
Where: Stargate Base. Gym.
What: Working out. Sweating.

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2:07p - Thread: Maegan and Kirsten
Who: Maegan and Kirsten
When: December 4th
Where: Kirsten's Room
What: Healing, Round 2.

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2:13p - Thread: Cooper & Pepper
Who: Cooper Jones and Pepper Mason.
When: December 4. After classes.
Where: School; Cooper's Room.
What: Cookies and conversation.

Sugar cookies, cut out in Christmas trees and stars, because it was December! )

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8:17p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ryder and Ashley Falkland.
When: December 4. Evening.
Where: Stargate Base; Holding Cells.
What: The twins are finally allowed to share a cell. Oh, and they had showers! Finally!

I'm clean! Finally! )

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10:00p - Log: Nando & Cree
Who: Cree Slavin and Jacob Pettifer and Nando.
When: December 4th. Evening.
Where: Jacob's room --> Cree's room.
What: Jacob gathers the two teens to set down ground rules about Cree having his own room and allowing visitors.

I think you're going to like your new room )

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