The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2008
Who: Jadyn and Isaiah
When: Evening.
Where: Jadyn's room.
What: Isaiah goes to sleepy Jadyn's room. Yeah, once wasn't enough.

You're like peanuts. Yadda yadda yadda )

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10:26a - Thread: Quinn, Maverick & eventually Vannie
Who: Quinn Crawford, Maverick Locke, & eventually Vannie Holmes
When: Nov. 19th, 11:10ish AM
Where: Quinn's Classroom
What: Quinn just finished class and Maverick comes to see him.

A gangly man in a suit. )

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11:37a - Log: Jon/Jarrod
Who: Jon & Jarrod.
When: Nov. 18, evening (Backdated).
Where: Their bathroom/room.
What: Jarrod exercised D: He needs a healing touch.
Warning: Sex

I don't want to be Stargate's Jabba Da Dowser, you know? )

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1:29p - Thread: Erina & Drake
Who: Erina Furizawa & Drake Stravos
When: Nov. 19th, Afternoon
Where: Drake's Room
What: Chit chat and discussion of things to come.

She hadn't really given it a lot of thought, except maybe where not to do it. )

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1:48p - Thread: Braylen & Open!
Who: Braylen King and Open! :D
When: November 19. Afternoon.
Where: Base; Rec Room.
What: Rock Band!

Hey little sister, what have you done? )

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3:30p - Thread: Nova & Seth = Good Behavior?
Who: Nova Shaughnessy & Seth Watson
When: November 19. Afternoon.
Where: Stargate Basement, holding cells.
What: Good behavior, Nova gets to visit Seth.

onefuglysonofabitch )

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5:24p - Thread: Grayer & Open
Who: Grayer Valentine and Open!
When: November 19. Suppertime.
Where: School; Cafeteria.
What: Grayer is a sad panda. And is eating supper.

Don't know where it goes but it's home to me and I walk alone. )

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Who ? Vaughan and Mr. Wright
Where ? Mr. Wright's office
When ? Wednesday during the day
What ? Vaughan tattles on the Web

I've got no illusions about you and guess what? I never did! And when I said I'll take it, I meant 'just give up and admit you're an asshole' )

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