The Zener School for the Mind

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Tuesday, November 18th, 2008
10:35a - Thread: Yes & Molly
Who: Yes & Molly
When: Nov. 18, after classes
Where: The library
What: Yes is still trying to find a book to read for English.

Chapter 1 )

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11:02a - Thread: Jarrod & Owen
Who: Jarrod & Owen
When: Nov. 17, Noonish
Where: The gym
What: Taking Roran's words to heart, Jarrod tries to not have a heart attack

He could handle some reality television. )

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Who ? O, Captives, maybe Mr. Smith.
When ? Tuesday early morning
Where ? The cells
What ? O brings breakfast and the twins make good on their escape plan

You live, you learn )

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2:49p - Thread: Cain & Kim
Who: Cain Barrow & Kim Malone
When: Nov. 18th, Afternoon
Where: Stargate Base, Cain's Room
What: Kim and Cain had gone on a date the night before.

He slept on the floor. )

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5:26p - Thread: Walter & Nicholas
Who: Nicholas Pucey and Walter Avery.
When: November 18. Late afternoon.
Where: Therapist’s office.
What: Therapy?

I went to a shrink to analyze my dreams, he says it's lack of sex that's bringing me down )

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6:44p - Thread: Paige & Open
Who: Paige Song & Open
When: Nov. 18th, Afternoon
Where: Front steps of Zener
What: Drinking soda and thinking.

Push the marble in. )

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Who: Adam & Captives
When: Tuesday November 18th. Around Lunch
Where: Stargate base, Cell block
What: Adam goes to fix the locks after the morning’s incident.

If it isn’t one thing, it’s another )

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Who ? Killian, Mr. Smith, et others?
Where ? Mr. Smith's office
When ? Tuesday afternoon
What ? Killian wants to start going on missions!

I was never young even as a child. )

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Who ? Vaughan, Jenna, Open to Web
Where ? Jenna's Room
When ? Tuesday after school
What ? Vaughan goes to talk

I've had it with you and Mexico can fucking wait and all of those French films about trains )

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