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Thursday, November 20th, 2008
1:03a - Thread: Maegan and Any
Who: Maegan Alvey and OPEN
When: November 19th, Night
Where: Zener Rec Room
What: Music. Boredom. Movie?

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Who ? Dr. Bishop and those involved with the experiment attendance list )
Where ? Doctor Bishop's lab
When ? Wednesday, 4pm
What ? Doctor Bishop's Aura Reading Extravaganza

you're only sixteen oh, you poor little thing. )

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Who: Issak and Coin
Where: Issak's room
What: Coin comes over with cookies and cider.
When: Nighttime.

Hello there. )

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Who ? Eddie and Koty
Where ? Koty's Room
When ? Thursday afternoon
What ? Eddie checks up on his friend.

I've been watching you all day, man that thing you got behind you is amazing! )

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Who: Anthony Stine and Coin Martin
Where: Anthony's office
What: Coin being servile and a suprise.
When: Afternoon

Shall I pour it out for you, Sir? )

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5:30p - Thread: Riston's Birthday
Who: Riston & Yes
When: November 20th [Afternoon]
Where: Bedroom
What: It's Riston's birthday!

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Who: SeanPaul and Noel
When: Backdated to when they first find out about the kidnappings.
Where: Noel's room
What: Talk and tickling. And their relationship actually goes somewhere other then in circles.

Good and pure? )

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7:30p - Thread: Tory & Vaughan
Who: Tory Gnosis and Vaughan.
When: November 20. Evening.
Where: School; Kitchen.
What: Tory is making a snack and Vaughan is coming in to steal food. AKA Tory and Vaughan Round 11. (I made that number up).

He poked at them, trying to find something that looked appetizing. )

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Who: Ronald and Bruce (Narrative)
When: November 19 afternoon
Where: Stargate holding basement
What: Bruce gets to share a cell with Ronald.

I'm a bad person )

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10:05p - Thread: Roran, Cain, Magdalene, Evan
Who: Roran, Magdalene, Cain, Evan
When: Nov. 20, evening.
Where: The outdoors
What: Camping!
He was loyal, and trusted the base to be doing good work for all of Psychic Kind. )

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10:34p - Thread: Roxy and Duncan
Who: Roxy and Duncan
Where: Duncan/Charlie's Room
When: 11/20: Late Afternoon
What: Talking, pessimistic/bitch style.

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