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Monday, November 17th, 2008
8:10a - Thread: Oona & Any
Who: Oona Adelia & Open
When: Nov. 17th, Morning
Where: Halls
What: Photography

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Who ? Walter and Gavriel
Where ? Gavriel's new room, Walter's old one
When ? Monday, after class
What ? New room mate moves in

see the safety of the life you have built everything where it belongs )

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9:43a - Thread: Vic & Open
Who: Vic He & Open
When: Nov. 17th, Morning about 9:45-10ish
Where: Outside Zener.
What: Vic arrives at the school.

Suits were meant to be worn that way. )

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10:24a - Thread: Maggie & Open
Who: Maggie McArthur & Open
When: Nov. 17th, Late Morning
Where: Stargate Base, Training Room
What: A bit of exercise and weight training.

It was the only thing to do. )

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1:44p - Thread: Andy & Emily
Who: Emily Bell & Andy Freeland (Cameo from Erina)
When: Nov. 17th, Late Morning
Where: Emily & Erina's Dorm
What: Andy met Maverick and she said something funny to him.

She had really long nails and they felt really good. )

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6:47p - Thread: Wilds & Magdalene
Who: Roran Wilds & Magdalene.
When: Nov. 17, evening
Where: Kitchen - man's gotta eat!
What: Pilfering someone's hunk of cooked steaks.

It would hold him until his food was ready. )

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7:08p - Log: Cree & Nando
Who: Cree & Nando
When: Nov. 17, afternoon
Where: Cree and Jacob's room
What: Nando embarrassingly returns a bedspread that was...soiled.

Maybe it hadn't all been the other person, but Nando would probably never know. )

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8:57p - Thread: Alexis & any
Who: Alexis Anderson & Any
When: Sunday November 16th, early afternoon (backdated)
Where: Zener grounds and then building
What: Lexi arrives at the school.
Read more )

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Who ? Vaughan and Tory
Where ? Kitchens
When ? Monday night
What ? Vaughan vs. Tory Rematch

Hey, remember that time when you OD'ed? Hey remember that other time when you OD'ed, for the second time? )

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10:28p - Thread: The So-called Banshees & Vic.
Who: Maverick, Bristol, and Vic.
When: Nov. 17, Night
Where: Across the hall. 4th Floor.
What: What makes them so loud?

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11:33p - Thread: Dameon & Eddie
Who: Dameon Wilder and Eddie Flynn.
When: November 17. Late evening.
Where: Base; Eddie’s Room.
What: Snuggle time. And Dameon finds out an important piece of information.

There was no reason why Dameon couldn’t wake him up to say goodnight properly.  )

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Who ? O and Open
Where ? Rec Room
When ? Monday evening
What ? Finally celebrating birthdays.

When I was younger, so much younger than today... )

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