The Zener School for the Mind

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Sunday, November 9th, 2008
12:28p - Log: Cree & Nando
Who: Cree Slavin and Nando.
When: November 8. Evening. (Backdated).
Where: Base; Hallway/Cree's room .
What: Nando is delivering cupcakes!

You give good hugs )

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4:41p - Thread: Liz& Jayne
Who: Liz Jensen and Jayne McMannis
When: Sunday Nov 9th. Late afternoon
Where: Zener kitchen
What: Liz is hungry and needs to refuel, and Jayne runs in to her (probably unfortunate for him)
This kitchen isn’t big enough for the two of us. )

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6:27p - Thread: Roxy & Maddox
Who: Roxy & Maddox
When: Nov 9th. Afternoon
Where: Rec Room
What: Headaches and pills.

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9:45p - Thread: Dr. Bishop & Gunner
Who: Gunner Crawley and Dr. Bishop.
When: November 9. Evening.
Where: Base; Medlab.
What: Gunner is stalking the doctor as usual.

Gunner made himself at home at the doctor's desk )

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