The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, November 10th, 2008
11:38a - Narrative: Six and Saunders
Who: Mr. Six and Mr. Saunders.
When: November 10. Early morning.
Where: Hospital (Six), School (Saunders).
What: Six starts speaking coherently. Saunders finds out what he says. Stargate, watch out.

Good morning, Mr. Six )

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11:44a - Thread: School: Safe Sex Assembly
Who: All Zener Staff & Students.
When: November 10. 10am.
Where: Gym.
What: Assembly on Safe Sex.
Note: All students present. The only exception is Ronald, who is off doing art with Miss Duncan.

It had been a long time coming, really )

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3:58p - Thread: Psychic Web
Who: Jenna, Roxy, Duncan and Charlie.
When: November 10. Lunchtime.
Where: School, cafeteria.
What: The psychic web (minus Vaughan) meets for lunch.

All the things she said running through my head )

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4:47p - Project Stargate: Milo & June
Who: Milo & June
When: November 10th // Dinner
Where: Stargate Base // June's room.
What: Delivery Boy.

pizza boy )

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8:21p - Thread: Paige & Open
Who: Paige Song & Open
When: Nov. 10th, Afternoon
Where: North Conway, Friendly's
What: Eating ice cream!

Jim Dandy! )

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10:26p - Thread: Minnie and Kyle
Who: Minnie ter Haar and Kyle Carmichael
When: November 10th
What: Practicing...sort of.
Where: Basketball Courts

current mood: awake

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