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Saturday, November 8th, 2008
1:06a - Thread: Maegan and Anyone
Who: Maegan Alvey and Anyone!
When: Friday Night
Where: Rec Room
What: Movie Marathon. Theme? FIGHTING.

current mood: cold

(66 comments |comment on this)

Who: Clark and Justin
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Clark's room
What: Justin goes to collect his sheet/halloween costume thing.

One cheap, homemade ghost. )

(17 comments |comment on this)

Who ? Killian and Koty
When ? Saturday Afternoon
Where ? Koty's room
What ? Visit

I don't mean to pick you apart, you see, but I can't help it. )

(41 comments |comment on this)

Who: Micah and Nando
When: November 8. Afternoon
Where: Base; Kitchen
What: Nando makes poor man cupcakes.

I'll hold you to that )

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