The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008
3:50a - Log: Killian & Koty (& Dr. Bishop)
Who: Killian Harris and Koty Rayne and a little of Doctor Bishop!
When: October 21. Early evening.
Where: Stargate; Killian’s Room. Sort of.
What: Killian has crawled into the air ducts and Koty is sent to fetch him out.

He’s in the crawl space again )

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8:17a - Log: Riston, Ziggy, and Trevor
Who: Riston Van Dousen, Konrad Zigarsky, and Trev O'Shea.
When: October 21st. Late evening.
Where: Third Floor - Room 321
What: Trev's had a bad week, Ziggy is being an ass, and Riston gets punched.

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8:28a - Thread: Trev, Ziggy, Riston, & Mr. Yates
Who: Trevor O'Shea, Konrad Zigarsky, Riston Van Dousen, & Mr. Andrew Yates
When: Oct. 22nd, Morning
Where: Mr. Yates's Office
What: Talking about what happened the night before.

A fat lip, a black eye, and a bruise cheek was only the surface damage. )

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Who: Grayer & Talan
When: Oct. 22nd, Lunchtime.
Where: Front steps.
What: It is time for a certain talk.

Waiting was not one of Talan's strong suits. )

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Who ? Dr. Bishop and Gunner
Where ? His lab
When ? Wednesday afternoon
What ? Gunner being nosy and Bishop being annoyed but that's just a guess

She blinded me with science )

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1:51p - thread: mercy and trev
Who: Mercy Wilde & Trev O'Shea
When: Oct. 22nd. Early Afternoon
Where: Trev's room.
What: Not avoiding it anymore, and ice.

worried )

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Who ? O and Aries
Where ? Aries' room
When ? Wednesday evening
What ? O goes to see what Aries has for him.

Kiss shining hitomi ni kuchizukete )

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9:09p - Thread: Maggie & Dr. Bishop
Who: Maggie McArthur & Dr. Bishop
When: Oct. 22nd, Evening
Where: Dr. Bishop's Lab
What: Maggie goes to listen to Dr. Bishop's proposition

She had no need to see a doctor. )

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9:17p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ryder and Ashley Falkland.
When: October 22. Evening.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Talk about Halloween costumes and Halloween in general. Watching a scary movie.

His hands and arms were full and he was juggling things and barely holding onto them all )

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