The Zener School for the Mind

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Tuesday, October 21st, 2008
5:57p - Narrative: Kian & Mr. Smith
Who: Kian Travers and Mr. Smith.
When: October 21. Afternoon.
Where: Stargate. Mr. Smith’s office.
What: Conversation about the state of the mission and Mr. Six.

And even in other languages, he still makes little sense )

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8:22p - Thread: Gav & Clark
Who: Gav Reyes and Clark Rogers.
When: October 21. Evening.
Where: School; Clark's room.
What: Clark wants to talk. So Gav goes up to listen.

Balling up a gloved hand, he knocked )

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8:28p - Thread: Seth & Nova
Who: Seth Watson & Nova Shaughnessy
When: Oct. 21st, Evening
Where: Parking Lot > Pizza Place?
What: Seth & Nova go out for pizza...but not before Seth has some fun.

The look on her face? Priceless. )

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Who: Lisa & Jayne
Where: Kitchen
When: late Tuesday night
What: Jayne wants to blow shit up

But I 'm a creep, I 'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here. )

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