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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008
12:52a - Thread: Evan and Any
Who: Evan Carter and Anyone
When: October 23rd, Early Afternoon
Where: Stargate. Kitchen
What: Food. Maybe TV?

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8:57a - Thread: Last Night: Ziggy & Kirsten.
Who: Ziggy/Kirsten.
When: October 22nd - late night.
Where: Kirsten's Room.
What: Healing is f-u-n.

(23 comments |comment on this)

2:10p - Thread: Clark & Minnie
Who: Minnie & Clark
When: October 23
Where: The grounds
What: Clark allows himself to meet someone else outside of the journals - arguably for the second time with the same person.

Get paid for screwing something up. )

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7:32p - Thread: Wright & Renaud
Who: Colin Wright and Dimitri Renaud.
When: October 23. Evening.
Where: School. Renaud's room.
What: The English Vs. the French Round #52842.

Even more he enjoyed a good bit of bantering - and there was one person he could definitely go there for that )

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10:36p - Thread: Winnie & Adam
Who: Winnie McClane & Adam Meyers
When: 10/23, Afternoon
Where: Stargate > Out
What: Forced Date.

Read more... )

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