The Zener School for the Mind

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Monday, October 20th, 2008
Who ? Falkland Twins, Maegan, Seth, anyone else
Where ? Walmart
When ? Late evening Sunday
What ? Awaiting the release of Black Ice

I got nine lives, Cats eyes )

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11:56a - Thread: Roxy, Jenna, Charlie, Chase
Who: Jenna, Roxy, Charlie, Chase. No Vaughan! :(
When: October 20. Lunchtime.
Where: School, Cafeteria.
What: The Psychic Web meets to discuss headaches and what's going on. Vaughan does not show up.

Lunch couldn't have come fast enough )

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Who: SeanPaul and Yes
Where: Outside
When: Late Afternoon
What: Sean spills his heart out to Yes because he has no one else to open up to.

The Heart Wants What it Wants )

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9:05p - Thread: Brea and Verona
Who: Brea Carrasco and Verona Knight
When: October 20th; Evening
Where: Verona's Room *gasp!*
What: Candy collection and general merriment.

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11:20p - Thread: Walter & Nicholas
Who: Nicholas Pucey and Walter Avery.
When: October 20. Evening.
Where: School; Walter’s Dorm room.
What: Nicholas has something for Walter.

He had a feeling Walter wasn’t going to be any more pleased with him after this evening )

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