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Sunday, October 19th, 2008
11:28a - Thread: Roxy and Kiku meet.
Who: Roxy and Kiku
When: Oct 19th, early afternoon.
Where: Rec room
What: Roxy meets the girl she hears so much about.

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Who ? O and Koty
Where ? Koty's Room
When ? Sunday
Why ? Talking it out.

It's time to be a big girl now and big girls don't cry. )

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Who: Clark & Justin
When: Oct 19th, night
Where: Rec room
What: It's late, and Clark is tired of his room.

Read more... )

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9:18p - Log: Jon & Jarrod
Who: Jonathan McLeod and Jarrod Krippler.
When: October 17/October 18.
Where: Hotel.
What: 'Secret Mission'! AKA A night away from the base.
Rating: Not for prudes.

Where would be the fun in that? )

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10:04p - Thread: Trev & Pepper
Who: Trevor O'Shea & Pepper Mason
When: Oct. 19th, Evening
Where: Pepper & Mercy's Dorm
What: Trev goes to Pepper for help.

He was just happy it wasn't a tumor. )

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10:08p - Winnie& Adam thread
Who: Adam Meyers & Winnie McClane
When: October 19th, early evening
Where: Stargate base, Winnie’s room
What: Adam returns Winnie’s computer.
Delivery )

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10:30p - Thread: Kiku&Charlie
Who: Kiku Miyagi & Charlie Brandon
When: October 18th, evening. (backdated)
Where: Charlie’s room
What: The couple watches another movie, Charlie develops a severe headache.
I come bearing snacks )

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