The Zener School for the Mind

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Thursday, October 16th, 2008
Who ? Vaughan and Open
Where ? Outside the school
When ? Evening
What ? Vaughan is up to funny business (for profit(not prostitution))

We're think you're a joke, shove your hope where it don't shine. )

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1:05a - Thread: Saunders & Six
Who: Alfred Saunders (NPC) and Avery Six.
When: October 14 (Backdated). Evening.
Where: Hospital. Mr. Six's room.
What: Avery is awake. Saunders goes to see him. Avery babbles and is incoherent.

He had been there to visit a number of times while Avery was in his coma.  )

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Who: Clark and Justin
When: Oct 11, evening [backdated]
Where: A quiet corner in the library
What: Books are boring. There has to be something else to focus on!

Justin...Andrews )

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12:19p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ryder and Ashley Falkland.
When: October 16. Morning.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Sexy dreams lead to... well....
Warnings: At least R rated.

Halfway between dream and waking and it was all very nice indeed )

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Who ? Mr. Wright and Mr. Renaud
Where ? Mr. Wright's office
When ? Friday
What ? Dimitri is thankful and looking for something.

Ne me quitte pas! )

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6:03p - Thread: June & Cree
Who: June Marquez & Cree Slavin
When: Oct. 16, Afternoon
Where: Jacob's Room
What: Watching The Simpons & eating potato chips

Japanese game shows. )

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