The Zener School for the Mind

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Friday, October 17th, 2008
Who ? Killian and OPEN
Where ? Hallway
When ? some time around 4 in the morning Friday
What ? Can't sleep! (the clowns will eat me)

I'm not supposed to think your death wish is cool but then I see you knocking back tequila by the pool )

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Who: Issak and Coin
When: Thursday Night
Where: Issak's room.
What: A lesson.

Do you really think you're in control? )

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5:22p - Thread: Quinn & Select Students*
Who: Quinn Crawford & Select Students*
When: Oct. 17th, 4PM (Sharp!)
Where: Mr. Crawford's Classroom
What: Interrogation...Crawford style.

Where were you on the evening of October the 12th!?! )

* ((OOC: If your character had Charlie doing his/her homework for him/her, then he/she will there.))

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7:26p - Log: Mr. Wright and Mr. Renaud
Who: Dimitri Renaud and Colin Wright.
When: October 17. Evening.
Where: Restaurant in town.
What: Out on a double date that doesn’t quite pan out.

Table for.... )

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7:27p - Log: Kirsten & Ziggy
Who: Kirsten Everley & Konrad Zigarsky
When: October 17th, Late Night (Backlog)
Where: Outside to Kirsten's Dreamscape
What: Getting home late and Ziggy ends up in Kirsten's dreams.

The Big Bad Wolf, Roller Rinks, & Gondolas )

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7:40p - Thread: Walter and Nicholas
Who: Nicholas Pucey and Walter Avery.
When: October 17. Evening.
Where: School; Walter’s dorm room.
What: Nicholas goes to see what’s up with Walter.

Something was... off )

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7:54p - Project Stargate > Winnie and Adam
Who: Winnie McClane and Adam Meyers
When: October 17th, late afternoon
Where: Project Stargate
What: Computers and tape measures.

she came with giggles, satin robes, and a broken computer )

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Who: Nando & Bishop
When: Oct 17, evening
Where: Medlab.
What: Nando had taken several days to decide to come down to look at his anemia.

Doctor Bishop? )

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10:57p - Thread: Nova & Seth
Who: Nova Shaughnessy & Seth Watson
When: October 17th, night
Where: Concert in Plymouth
What: Live, loud, music.

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Who ? Vaughan and Tory
Where ? The grounds
When ? Friday evening
What ? Random Encounter?

Lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and I will try and fix you )

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