The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, October 15th, 2008
Who: Nando & June
When: Oct. 15
Where: Stargate - outside
What: Nando is still getting his lay of the land and has decided to walk around.

Kitchen? Check. )

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11:25a - Thread: Paige & any!
Who: Paige Song & any!
When: Oct. 15th, Lunch
Where: Cafeteria
What: Paige draws cartoons while eating!

chibi; A japanese word, used by anime fans meaning 'small' or 'mini'. )

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11:57a - Left for Mercy Wilde!
Left on Mercy Wilde's bed )

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5:16p - Log: Grayer & Yes
Who: Grayer Valentine and Yes Stephens.
When: October 15. Late afternoon.
Where: School. Hallway.
What: Grayer meets Yes. In the hallways. At school. Grayer might make a sort-of friend.

Books scattered everywhere )

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9:28p - Thread: Gav & Open!
Who: Gav Reyes and Open!
When: October 15. Evening.
Where: School; Boy's bathroom.
What: The bathroom has good acoustics!

Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven )

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