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Friday, October 3rd, 2008
10:36a - Thread: Lisa & Any
Who: Lisa Wilson & Anyone(s)!
When: Oct. 3rd, Late Morning
Where: Cafeteria
What: Working on the lunch schedule, enjoying some hazelnut hot cocoa.

Whatever happened to autumn? )

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Who: Jacob and Magdalene
When: Oct. 3
Where: Shooting range
What: Not shooting the monsters in the conventional sense...and sandwiches.

Highly improbable )

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10:54p - Thread: Zener Kids!
Who: Zener Kids (Any Who Want to Join!)
When: Oct. 3rd, Night
Where: Rec Room
What: Spin the bottle!

You spin it and then you kiss whoever it points to! )

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11:46p - [Private to Project: Stargate]
To whom it may concernI already know who you are….i’m being nice and not calling you out:

Some of youhell the list of the people who haven't would be shorter have been downloading content from questionable websites Porn and it is fucking with the network. Please either stop it or at least let me install the proper security programs in your computer to prevent the shit you are allowing to get in. Please e-mail me.
I’m giving you the chance to fess up so I can fix it, otherwise I will fix it and call you out specifically..


stop screwing with Betsy and filling her with viruses!

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11:48p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ryder and Ashley Falkland.
When: October 3. Evening.
Where: Movie theatre.
What: Going to see a scary movie!

I hope its a vampire movie )

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