The Zener School for the Mind

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Thursday, October 2nd, 2008
Who: Clark, Samantha, Minnie, Trevor, Drake, Erina, & Quinn
When: Oct 2 - midmorning
Where: Zener School for the Mind
What: Clark takes Saunders up on his offer, and will probably end up regretting it.

That part seemed to be growing like a tumor )

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9:27a - Thread: Kirsten & Any
Who: Kirsten Everley & Any
When: Oct. 2nd, Morning
Where: Cafeteria
What: Eating breakfast and designing an 'updated' LaLa Orange costume

LaLa Orange was in serious need of a makeover. )

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Who: Talan and Jayne
When: Oct. 2nd, Shortly after Talan's Journal Post.
Where: In a random hallway.
What: Jayne's revenge.

Talan knew it was evil of him to do what he did, but he could not help himself. )

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11:05a - Thread: Lisa & Andrew
Who: Lisa Wilson & Andrew Yates
When: Oct. 2nd, Lunch
Where: Kitchen
What: Talking and things.

She still blamed herself. )

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3:20p - Thread: Koty & Dr. Bishop & Killian
Who: Koty Rayne, Dr. Bishop and Killian Harris.
When: October 2. Afternoon.
Where: Stargate Base; Medlab.
What: Koty is looking for Killian and finds him except not as he expected.
Warnings: Dr. Bishop is a bad man! And probably some violence. And swearing.

Downstairs he went )

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4:09p - Thread: Tory & Open
Who: Tory Gnosis and Open!
When: October 2. Late afternoon.
Where: Boy's dorm hallway.
What: Tory is sitting and doing what he does best - lounging. And playing string games.

The cat's in the cradle )

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10:15p - Thread: Minnie and OPEN
Who: Minnie ter Haar and Anyone
When: October 2nd, Evening
Where: Rec Room
What: Supernatural and nursing boo-boos.

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