The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, October 4th, 2008
Who: Kiku Miyagi and Charles Brandon
When: Friday, after school
Where: School and train tracks
What: Charlie takes Kiku exploring.

Next to you. And you next to me. )

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8:32p - [Private to Project: Stargate]
Who: Adam Meyers & June Marquez
When: Saturday October 4th, late afternoon/early evening
Where: Stargate Base
What: Adam installs a few security measures for June.
Left click and enter  )

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11:19p - Log: Jadyn & Isaiah
Who: Jadyn Shaw and Isaiah Deaver.
When: October 5. Evening.
Where: Some hotel. Somewhere in town.
What: Getting away from the school for a night. Eating honey sticks. And some naughtiness.

Been thinking... Maybe you could teach me how to make my computer play that Lambchop song when it boots up. )

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