The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, October 1st, 2008
Who: Dr. Bishop & Jarrod
When: Oct 1, 1400 hours
Where: The lab
What: Apparently the good doctor needs something found.

Jarrod could be diplomatic when he wanted to be. )

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4:46p - Thread: Kiku, Kirsten, Clair , and Sam
Who:Kiku Miyagi, Kirsten Everley, Clair Montgomery-Andrews , Samantha Cousino
When: Monday September 29th (backdated)
Where: School then shopping in town.
What: The girls have a small “girls night out”
Get out of the way, they are girls on a mission. )

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Who ? Walter and Nicholas
Where ? Library
When ? Wednesday after class
What ? Walter pays up.

if there's anything you want come on back 'cause it's all still here )

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Who: Jacob Pettifer and Cree Slavin.
When: Oct 1, evening
Where: Base; Jacob's Room.
What: Cree goes to visit Jacob because of his nightmares.

We'll follow your rules. )

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