The Zener School for the Mind

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Sunday, September 28th, 2008
5:41p - Log: Kian, Trevor and Braylen
Who: Kian Travers, Trevor O’Shea and Braylen King.
When: September 27. Evening. (Backdated).
Where: School; Trevor’s Room (mostly).
What: Trevor stumbles onto something that he shouldn’t. Kian finds out and drags Braylen in to ‘fix’ the problem. Poor Trevor.

You’ve been hacking in places you shouldn’t go )

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Who ? Aries and O
Where ? Aries' room
When ? Sunday evening
What ? O goes for a visit after work

Kore ijou fumiiruna to iu )

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Who ? Eddie and Tory
Where ? Rec Room
When ? Evening
What ? Eddie is working on Art homework

I remember you and me used to spend The whole goddamned day in bed! )

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